Elliot’s hand stopped midway to his open mouth with a piece of muffin. Then he blinked once, twice, and a third time. “I’m sorry, come again?”

Robbie laughed and batted his lashes. “Actually, I’m not allowed to come at all until tonight. Priest’s rules.”

“They’re married? Oh my God.”

“I know,” Robbie said. “I keep thinking I must be crazy for doing this, right? But—”

“Hey, focus,” Elliot said, and snapped his fingers in front of Robbie. “Did they invite you in?”

Robbie nodded.

“And does it seem weird or awkward?”

“No, not at all. I mean, we haven’t had actual sex yet. But what we’ve done, it seemed…it seemed really natural. Is that weird?”

“No.” Elliot shook his head and slumped back in his seat. “I told you. Your luck is going the way of the gods, my friend. You really should go buy a lottery ticket. Buy a lottery ticket and enjoy the pleasure of two men fucking your brains out. You’re not doing anything wrong.”

Robbie nodded and raised his drink to his lips to take another sip. He agreed with Elliot. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, and he was, so far, enjoying the hell out of himself—and he deserved that, damn it.

He also had the fleeting thought that he didn’t need a lottery ticket, because he felt like he’d won the jackpot already.

Chapter Sixteen


I love taking baths.

Have I mentioned that before? No?

Well, let that be noted…

PRIEST PULLED THE Range Rover up to the curb outside of Robbie’s place at six on the dot, and as soon as he was in park, he sent off a text to the man inside.

Priest: Your carriage awaits, princess.

The sun had set around an hour ago, and as Priest sat in the dark confines of the car, his eyes were trained on the front door of what he knew was Robbie’s nonna’s house. It was a nice place—one of the original Victorian styles, by the looks of it. Worth a small fortune with its location here in town.

A light flicked on, illuminating the front door, and when it was shoved open and Robbie stepped out, Priest’s eyes fastened on the man now standing on the stoop. In tight black pants that fit like a second skin, Robbie’s legs looked as though they went on for days. It made Priest want to see them wrapped around his waist or hoisted over Julien’s shoulders.

He had on a blue cable knit sweater with a faux-fur collar that outlined his elegant neck and broad shoulders. It hugged his lean torso and trim waist, and on his hands were black leather gloves to ward off the cold as Robbie picked up his overnight bag and headed down the stairs toward the SUV.

Priest sent a quick text to Julien, letting him know they’d be about twenty minutes, and then he watched Robbie’s approach and had to readjust himself so as to not be uncomfortable when the passenger door opened.

As the light flooded the interior of the vehicle, Robbie tossed his bag onto the floor and then climbed inside, and once he shut the door and the glow faded, he said, “Hey.”

Priest noticed the way Robbie clasped his hands in his lap and his leg was doing that nervous little jig of his, and figured he was wondering how to act after the texts the three of them had shared today. Not to mention the expectation of what was about to happen tonight. So before they left, Priest wanted to make sure everything was all right. That Robbie really wanted to be there.

“Hey?” Priest said, and Robbie looked over at him. “That isn’t the greeting I expected from the man who has spent the last few hours sending me and my husband provocative photographs.”

“Well,” Robbie said, his expression slightly pinched, “it’s the only greeting you’re going to get while my nonna is standing in the living room window watching us.”

Ahh, okay. Priest’s eyes went past Robbie’s shoulder, and that was when he saw it—the curtain in the front window shifted, and he reached over and slid his hand across the top of Robbie’s thigh.

“Oh shit.” The words left Robbie’s lips on a sigh as he shut his eyes and pressed back into the headrest.

“She knows you’re gay, I assume.”

“Of course,” Robbie said, his eyes flashing open to lock on Priest. “As if I could hide that.”

“Then why would she care if she saw you greeting a man with a kiss?”

“You were going to kiss me?”

Priest’s lips quirked as he inched his palm further up Robbie’s thigh, and Robbie clamped a hand down over it.

“I was,” Priest said. “So, tell me why it is that I’m only allowed to sit here and look at your mouth, instead of being able to taste it?”

Robbie’s mouth parted, and the pink tip of his tongue flirted with his lower lip as his breathing increased in pace. “Shit. Umm…”