Priest let his words linger, and Julien watched as Robbie nodded. It was obvious he now understood. If Robbie showed up at their place again, they would take him. They would take him, make him theirs, and there would be no turning back.

Chapter Fourteen


Maybe I’m single because normal has never quite worked for me. Perhaps it’s time to try something a little…unorthodox.

FRIDAY AND SATURDAY flew by in a blur. Usually, Robbie loved working weekends at The Popped Cherry, but he had to admit there was somewhere else he’d rather be tonight—a somewhere he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since he’d left it Friday morning.

The place was nice and steady for a Sunday night, which was great since it was a new thing Tate had implemented as of this year. Bianca was out working the floors with Tim while Robbie and Alec looked after the bar, and for the past two days, Robbie had done nothing but think about, dream about, and procrastinate about the two men who’d swooped into his life Wednesday, and somehow infiltrated every single thought in his head since.

Julien and Priest.

Priest and Julien.

No matter what he was doing or who he was talking to, he found himself thinking about the next time he was going to see them—and he was going to see them. There was no doubt about that.

God, he was driving himself insane checking his phone every five seconds, hoping to see a missed call or text from them. But he knew there wouldn’t be one. Julien’s words when he’d dropped him home were a clear message that they would be waiting for Robbie to make the next move.

“Remember what Priest said, princesse. Next time you come around, we keep you. So be sure.”

He pulled his cell out to check again, just in case, and still…nothing. Ugh. This is just ridiculous. Text them already. You know you want to.

After his little pep talk with himself, Robbie said to Bianca, “I’m gonna go take my break. You got the bar?”

“Yep,” she said, as she walked over to him, flipped up the pass, and then headed his way. “Everything okay?”

Robbie stopped and looked back at her with a grin. “Yeah. Why?”

“You’ve just been a bit distracted the last couple of days.”

Now that’s the understatement of the century. And wasn’t that what Priest had said? “You distract me.” Yeah, well, shoe was on the other foot now, wasn’t it?

“I’m great,” Robbie said, and gave her a wink. “Don’t you worry about me.”

“Okay, as long as you’re sure?”

Robbie walked back toward the door and said, “Oh, you know how it is waiting for a man to call.” Or in his case, men. Double the anxiety right there.

“Ahh, now it all makes sense. The faraway expression. The dopey smile.”

“I don’t have a dopey smile.”

“You totally have a dopey smile,” Bianca said as she wiped down the back counter. “But it’s good. You’ve been kind of down in the dumps since finding out about Logan and Tate’s wedding.”

Robbie froze with his hand on the door. Shit, he’d totally forgotten about that. Ironic, really, since that was what had sent him into the arms of Julien and Priest in the first place. Jesus. He needed to call Elliot and talk about this stat, or he was going to lose his mind.

Bianca looked over her shoulder at a couple heading to the bar, and then turned back to him. “Enjoy your break. See you soon.”

Robbie waved and then pushed through the door and headed out to the break room. Once inside, he took a seat on the couch and stared at his phone. Still no messages, and as he opened his voicemail on the off chance he’d missed one, he saw the message that had been left by Tate on New Year’s Eve.

He wasn’t sure why he’d kept it. There was nothing important about it. But as he sat back in the couch, Robbie hit play and brought it up to his ear.

“Hey, Robbie, sorry to leave this as a voicemail, but I’m guessing the bar is jam-packed tonight, so this will have to do,” Tate said. “I’m just calling to let you know that, well, Logan and I got married tonight.”

Tate’s words got caught up in a joyful laugh, and Robbie shut his eyes, remembering how shocked he’d been the first time he’d heard the message. Cartoon arrows, straight in the heart. Thunk thunk thunk.

“It’s crazy, I know,” Tate continued. “I surprised him. But we’re not going to be around for a while, since I’m stealing Logan away to an island—”

“Yes, but don’t think that means you can misbehave, young man,” Logan, Robbie’s longtime crush, said into the phone. “We have cameras installed there, you know.”

“Ignore him. He’s had a little too much champagne.” Tate chuckled. “Anyway, Cole is going to stop by to check in with you and make sure everything is going okay. So don’t worry about anything and have a great New Year’s, Robbie. We’ll see you soon.”