“Yes. He is.” Priest stepped around Julien and said, “We need to talk to him. See where he stands on all of this.”

“That we do,” Julien said, because all of this would be for nothing if Robbie wasn’t interested in the more of it all. They could easily go out and find a third for their bed, and had done so in the past. But they were beyond that now. They were sick of nameless faces between them, of meaningless nights with a body that would take on, and complement, the both of theirs and then leave the next day.

They wanted someone who not only fit them physically but who also completed the complicated, jagged puzzle that was them. And what it came down to was whether Robbie believed that he was the right piece. Did he even want to date them? Because they sure wanted to date him.

“Robert?” Priest said, and when Robbie turned to look in their direction, Julien drank in the sight of him all over again. He was stunning, and Julien couldn’t help but wonder how he’d look stripped completely bare. The taste they’d gotten tonight had merely been a tease.

“Would you like something to drink with dinner?” Priest asked.

Robbie shook his head. “Just a water’s good.”

“Very well,” Priest said, and then gestured to the couch. “Won’t you take a seat?”

Robbie walked between the sleek black coffee table and white couch, and chuckled. “You know, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the way you talk. It’s just so…stuffy.”

Oui, Julien thought with a grin. You are exactly what we need.

Priest took three glasses from a cabinet and placed them on the counter where Julien was busy portioning out the food. “I suppose it’s a little bit different—”

“A little bit?” Robbie said, and sat down on the couch. “Try a lot. No one talks like you.”

Julien laughed good-naturedly and looked over at Priest, who was now filling each glass with filtered water. “He had an unusual upbringing. It left him unique in many ways.”

“Oh yeah?” Robbie said, his eyes moving to Priest. “What, were you raised in eighteenth-century England?”

“No, I was raised by my grandmother from the age of seven. She was from England.”

“No shit,” Robbie said, his eyes widening slightly. “I didn’t know that.”

“Why would you?” Priest asked. “I never told you.”

Robbie blinked a couple of times as though trying to poke a hole in that logic, but then shrugged. “I didn’t mean it like—Oh, forget it.”

Julien picked up the plates and brought them over to the coffee table. He put one down in front of Robbie and said, “One thing you need to know about Priest? He believes unnecessary talk is a waste of his time. If you want to know something, you need to ask him outright. He’ll always tell you the truth.”

Robbie raised his eyes to the man under discussion. “Yeah, I’m starting to work that out.”

Julien winked. “Let me get the other plate and then we’ll talk.”

As Julien headed back to the kitchen, he heard Robbie say to Priest, “Will you be participating in this talk? Or is it an unnecessary waste of your time?”

“Quite the contrary,” Priest said as he took a seat on the couch opposite Robbie. “Discussing whether you want to be part of our lives is very necessary.”

That seemed to draw Robbie up short. “Part of your…lives?”

“Yes. I told you at the restaurant, this isn’t just about sex for us. Although,” Priest said, as Julien took up a seat beside him, “that part we are particularly looking forward to. Even more so after this evening.”

Robbie blushed an enticing shade of pink to match his pants, and Julien gestured to the food. “Why don’t you eat? What you had earlier is hardly enough to satisfy, I’m sure.”

Robbie’s eyes dropped to Julien’s lap. “I don’t know. It tasted pretty good to me.”

“I told you so,” Priest said, arrogant as ever, and Julien pointed to Robbie’s plate.

“So does that. Now eat.”

“Geez, you’re almost as bossy as he is,” Robbie said. “You just say it with a smile.”

And on cue, Julien flashed him a winning grin. Robbie glanced at his food and then shifted off the couch to his knees on the soft mohair rug. Julien hadn’t meant for Robbie to sit on the floor, but as he picked up his knife and fork and cut into the lamb chop, Priest made a rumbling sound of approval.

Priest liked Robbie down there. In fact, Julien would go so far as to believe that Priest would like Robbie to sit by them every night like that, if Robbie was agreeable.

“So, okay,” Robbie said, oblivious to the reaction Priest was having as he speared a piece of lamb and then mixed it in the minted mustard. “Who goes first here? Because I have questions.”

He brought the fork up to his mouth. “Do you want to ask me something or should I just—Oh. My. God,” he said, chewing the bite of meat he’d just put into his mouth. “This is fucking amazing.”