“Merely a figure of speech. I’ve only met Logan once, but I can’t imagine sleeping much either should I have found myself in his bed.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Robbie said. “And now that he’s married, you never will. He isn’t like you and—” He bit off his words, and Julien took the dishtowel off his shoulder, wiped his hands, and threw it on the counter.

He walked around to Robbie, and when he got close enough that he could feel Robbie’s body heat emanating off him, Julien said, “It’s okay—you can say it. He isn’t like me and Priest?”

Robbie looked around the room as though he were suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation. “Um, yeah. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like the two of you.”

“Mmm,” Julien said, and ran a finger from the base of Robbie’s throat to the center of his chest. “I would agree. We are—”

“Strange?” Robbie suggested, but if he thought to offend, he was in for a shock.

“I prefer unique,” Julien said, as he trailed his finger over to one of Robbie’s flat nipples, which he suddenly wanted to bite. “We do things a little differently than most. But I think that excites you. You’re curious about us, and that makes you perfect.”

“Oh God.” Robbie’s lips parted and a shuddery sigh left him as he arched his body forward, and Julien scraped his nail over the nipple he was playing with. “Perfect for what?”

Julien slowly shook his head. “I’m not allowed to tell. But you’ll find out if you come to dinner tonight.”

“I, ah…I don’t think Priest wants me at dinner after this.”

Julien’s lips curved at the beautiful way Robbie was responding to him. Breathless, but eager, as he leaned into the touch. “Au contraire. The problem is he wants you for dinner. Yes, he’s upset about this new development, but not because it happened—because he didn’t know about it.”

Robbie blinked as though trying to focus on Julien’s words and not how he was feeling. “I don’t understand.”

Julien moved the final step he needed to place his cheek by Robbie’s. “Control, mon cher petit. It’s all about control. And once you understand that, you will understand Priest.”

Julien dropped his hand and took a step back as Robbie grabbed the back of the barstool for support, his eyes bright with a newfound understanding.

“The only question now is,” Julien said, “do you still want to come to dinner with us?”

Chapter Six


Gays, Girls, and Italians.

We could keep the phone companies in business for life.

ROBBIE SILENCED HIS phone for the third time and stared out the window of the Range Rover as Julien drove him across town. Not much had been said since Priest had slammed out of the condo and Julien had told him they still wanted him at dinner, but all Robbie could think about as they drove through the busy streets was: why?

It wasn’t that he doubted his appeal, hell no—anyone would be lucky to have him in their bed. But he didn’t understand the Priest angle going on. From the moment they’d met, he could’ve sworn Priest hated him. Thought that he was some ridiculous little twink put in his way to irritate him at every opportunity, just as Robbie had thought Priest a giant pain in the ass sent to destroy all happiness in his life.

But this morning, when Priest had touched him, there’d been fire in those grey eyes. Desire…for him. And it was throwing Robbie for a fucking loop. It was crazy to even think about. But then again, so was the fact that he was considering going on this… What is it, even? A date?

Robbie stole a quick glance at his driver, and was thankful that Julien had given him his space for the time being. It was clear that the gorgeous chef was used to the quietness of a moment, and given that he was married to the most stoic bastard Robbie had ever met, he figured that Julien had these moments down to a fine art.

What do they want from me? The question was playing on repeat over and over, as the car stopped and started at each new intersection or turn. Priest hadn’t given him much to go by, other than it wasn’t just sex. And Julien had said they would tell him more at dinner. But as Robbie sat there, he kept thinking, What else could we really have other than sex?

“We’re here,” Julien said, interrupting Robbie’s musings and alerting him to the fact that Julien was now pulling the SUV to the curb outside of Robbie’s nonna’s house.

“Well, thanks for the ride,” Robbie said, with as much cheer as he could, not really knowing what else to say. “So, um—”

“I’ll text you in a few hours or so,” Julien told him, and then smiled. “Give you time to think about what you want to do next.”