Priest: While Julien loves to be a top dog most of the time, I like to be the master at ALL times.
Robbie squeezed his dick through his black slacks and knew if he didn’t end this little back-and-forth and soon, he was going to come right there in the break room.
Robbie: When can I come and see you?
And they both wrote back, Be sure.
Robbie stared at the words, but he knew what he wanted, and for once in his life, he’d never been more certain of anything.
Robbie: I am. Are you two?
Not even a second later: Yes.
Then Julien was typing. When is your next night off?
Robbie: Tomorrow.
Priest & Julien: Then tomorrow.
Robbie caught his breath as he waited for whatever was going to be said next, and then Priest sent: I’ll pick you up on my way home from work. Be ready at six.
There was that authority that made Robbie’s spine stiffen and his cock come to full attention. He gulped and nodded, and when he realized Priest couldn’t actually see him, he wrote back a lame-ass Okay, then looked at the clock on the wall and typed: I have to go and eat before break is up.
Julien: Okay, princesse. We look forward to tomorrow night.
Priest: We had been waiting on you.
For some reason, those words were more powerful than any of the ones that had come before, because they had been waiting for him—for Robbie Bianchi—and tomorrow night, they would have him.
JULIEN WANDERED INTO their bedroom after cleaning up the kitchen, and found Priest sitting in bed with his laptop open and files strewn all over the mattress.
“So,” he said, as Priest looked up from the computer, “he reached out.”
As Priest moved the papers out of the way, Julien climbed onto the mattress and settled down on his side. He propped his head up on his hand and watched as Priest’s fingers moved across the keyboard.
“Yes,” Priest said. “I wasn’t sure we’d hear from him so soon.”
“Non? I had an inkling. He was in a good mood when I dropped him off the other day. I think you cleared up a few questions for him that morning, among other things.”
Priest’s fingers stopped as he turned his head and looked down at Julien. “Hmm. I suppose I thought he might change his mind after everything settled in with him and he remembered who he’d actually been with.”
Julien chuckled as his eyes roved over Priest’s handsome but pensive face. “I think if anything, his mind is set more now than ever after everything has settled in.”
“Good.” Priest reached for one of the files. “He needs to be sure, because you and I, we come with a lot of—”
“Force?” Julien said, then laughed as he rolled to his back and slipped his hands under his head. But as he stared at the ceiling, he sobered. “Baggage? I know, mon amour. But doesn’t everyone?”
“Some more so than others. You and I?” Priest said. “You and I have loads of baggage.”
“Joel?” Julien said, and turned his head on the pillow. “One thing at a time, okay? Let’s not overwhelm him before he has a second meal with us.”
Priest’s somber eyes met his, and then he leaned down and kissed Julien’s lips. “Oui. Okay. But you know me.”
“I do. You want to control every little thing.”
“The big things, too, when they let me.”
“Mmm.” Julien brought a hand out from behind his head and threaded his fingers through the back of Priest’s hair as he flicked his tongue over Priest’s lower lip and then inside, deepening the kiss.
Priest groaned and his eyes slid shut, as he angled his head and tasted Julien with a rapacious tongue. Julien lifted his head off the pillow, wanting to get closer, but at the last second, Priest pulled back and panted against his mouth.
“Julien, if you keep kissing me like that…”
Julien nipped at Priest’s lip, and then he let go and lay back down on the bed with a smirk. “The princesse is right. You are a control freak.”
Priest arched an eyebrow but moved away, clearly recognizing his own limits. “That’s it, up,” Priest said. “Get out of this bed so I can finish my work.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Julien said, as he moved up to his knees and kissed Priest’s ear, and when he turned his head and his warm breath ghosted over Julien’s mouth, a wicked slant curved Priest’s lips.
“Then you wouldn’t mind if I rolled you over and took—”
“Do I look like a glutton for punishment to you?”
“No,” Priest said. “Right now, you look like someone I want to fuck desperately. The same as you do every minute of every day.”
Julien’s ass clenched at the thought, but he knew his limits too, and taking Priest on when he was like this was a hard one. “I would let you have me if you weren’t practically vibrating. But since you are, there’s no way you or your cock are coming anywhere near my ass. I wouldn’t be able to sit for a week.”