Priest could feel Julien’s desire for this union to happen almost as strongly as he could sense his own, and he understood why. The two of them housed so many dark places inside themselves, secrets and pain that they shared only with each other, and Robbie was such a burst of sunshine in comparison. He was young, radiant, and exuded the warmth Julien craved, and the need of guidance and direction that Priest wanted to give. But it was a lot to ask—they were a lot to accept, even without all the baggage that came with them—and Priest knew they had to tread carefully here.
He hit start on the dishwasher then headed across to the bedroom, where Julien had switched on his bedside lamp and stood at the end of their bed with Robbie.
Priest watched the two for a moment as Julien ran a finger down Robbie’s cheek, and when Robbie angled his head toward the touch, Priest wondered what the young man was thinking.
Priest had never been one to need the comfort of another’s embrace, having learned from an early age how to survive on his own even after going to live with his grandmother, whereas Julien was the exact opposite. He’d had the kind of childhood fairy tales were written about—until one night, eight years ago.
Priest pushed the thought aside for now and walked into the bedroom, and when he stopped behind Robbie, he jolted at the new presence now at his back.
“Shh…” Julien whispered into the quiet room. “Nothing is going to happen tonight but sleep.”
“Okay,” Robbie said, looking at Julien, and Priest inhaled and caught the delicious scent of Robbie’s shampoo and soap.
“Lift your arms for me, Robert,” Priest said, and Robbie automatically raised them above his head.
Priest fingered the sides of his cream sweater and then tugged it up and off his body, and when Robbie was free of it, his arms moved back down to his sides and Julien said, “Pants on or…”
“Off,” Robbie whispered, and Priest trailed his fingers around to the button and flicked it open.
Julien’s hands joined Priest’s then, and Robbie, surprisingly, leaned back against Priest and moaned.
“God,” Robbie said. “I can’t believe this is really happening.”
Julien shoved the pants off his hips, leaving Robbie standing in his briefs, and Priest said by his ear, “Go with Julien.”
Julien held his hand out to Robbie, and as he led him around to his side of the bed, he flicked back the covers and Robbie climbed onto the mattress under the sheets, his eyes fastened on Julien, who was now stripping down.
Priest watched also as Julien removed every stitch of clothing, and when his shirt came off, Robbie’s hips shifted up under the sheets, and Priest knew his hands were in his briefs—and he didn’t blame Robbie in the slightest.
“You like his tattoos,” Priest said.
Robbie turned his head on the pillow to look over at Priest, as Julien wandered off into the bathroom.
Robbie laughed and nodded. “Yeah. Especially the Amorè. That’s my language. Plus, they look even hotter in person than they do online.”
Yes, they do, Priest thought. “Maybe if you ask him nicely, he’ll let you lick them one day.”
When Robbie bit his bottom lip and his hand moved under the sheet, Priest took his own shirt off, and Robbie’s eyes widened.
After Priest tossed it on the floor, he reached for the button of his pants, and Robbie said, “Okay, your suits do not even hint at all those muscles under them.”
Julien walked out of the bathroom, not in the least bit bothered by his nudity, and gave Priest a leisurely once-over. “Impressive, isn’t he?”
“Uh…” As Robbie tried to locate his tongue, Julien climbed into bed, and when that hand under the sheet started to move again, Priest decided it would be best to leave his briefs on.
He walked around to his side of the California king, and when he pulled the covers back and climbed in on the other side of Robbie, Julien switched off the lamp.
“Oh shit,” Robbie said.
Priest let out a low chuckle as he settled in and pulled the covers up. “Sleep, Robert, you’re tired.”
“Robert?” Priest interrupted.
“Close your eyes, roll over, and sleep.”
“But you’re both, like, right there, and Julien… He’s completely naked.”
Julien’s sensual laugh filled the room, and Priest slid a hand under his pillow and said, “Then I suggest you don’t turn your back on him. Good night, Robert.”
“Bonne nuit, princesse.”
Robbie shifted until his back was facing Priest, which made him smile into the dark—because who ever thought that Robbie would trust him when lying down in a bed—and then Robbie softly said, “Good night.”
Not ten minutes later, the soft sounds of those in deep slumber met Priest’s ears, and he felt his breathing calm as he waited for sleep to claim him, even though he knew the peace it brought wouldn’t last long.