“Priest?” Robbie said, as the door slid open.
Julien was coming down the hall with two black carry bags, and Robbie’s coat over his arm. He looked between the pair, and then his eyes stopped on Priest. “Okay, what did you do?”
Robbie shoved past Priest and into the hall. “He’s being his usual cryptic self is what he’s doing.”
Priest stepped out of the elevator. “And he’s being a drama queen, as usual. He asked what we wanted from him. I told him. But he’s having a difficult time wrapping his head around it.”
“I’m not having a difficult time with anything, thank you very much.” Robbie jabbed a finger at Priest. “You are being weird. Again.”
“No, I’m not. You asked if we only wanted you for sex. I said no.”
“That wasn’t all you said. Now who’s lying?” Robbie said, clearly worked up.
“Mon Dieu.” Julien laughed as he thrust one of the bags in Priest’s direction. “Can’t leave you two alone for five minutes without risk of bloodshed. Here, you take this, and, princesse? You’ll need to put this on before we go outside.”
Robbie took his coat from Julien and shrugged into it, a furrow between his perfectly shaped eyebrows.
“Whatever happened to make love not war, hmm?” Julien asked as he looked between them.
“He did,” Robbie said, and shoved his hands into his pockets.
Priest aimed his eyes heavenward and prayed for patience while Julien said, “It’s still early, but if you want, we can take you home, Robbie.”
“He needs to eat,” Priest said as he looked down at the bags in their hands and realized he was more concerned with the fact that Robbie might want to leave than actually finish his meal.
“He is right here,” Robbie said. “And quite capable of making a decision.”
“Well?” Priest looked at Robbie, who was glaring at him. “What’ll it be?”
Robbie scoffed. “Do you think I’m an idiot? There’s no way I’m going to pass on a meal made by Julien Thornton.”
“Good,” Julien said, and kissed Robbie’s cheek. “That’s a start, then, isn’t it?”
“I kind of thought me giving you head was a pretty good start, actually.”
Julien laughed. “Better than good, princesse. It was magnifique.”
“It was, wasn’t it?”
“And if I go with you,” Robbie said, “you’ll explain what he was talking about?”
“We will, yes,” Julien promised, and slipped his arm through Robbie’s elbow.
“Okay then, let’s go.”
As the two of them walked off down the hall, Priest studied them side by side. He liked the way they looked together like that. The way Robbie hugged into Julien as though he belonged there, and maybe one day he would. Maybe they could both belong to him.
Robbie glanced over his shoulder and gave Priest a once-over, as though making sure he really wanted to go through with this. When his eyes climbed back up to Priest’s face, there was a new light to them—some kind of inner conviction, perhaps? And Priest got the distinct impression that whatever had begun here tonight was far from over.
Chapter Eleven
Well, I didn’t see that coming.
AFTER PRIEST HAD parked the car and they’d all headed upstairs to the condo, Julien made his way into the kitchen. Priest followed, putting the bag on the center island, and Robbie kicked off his shoes and padded over to the sheer white curtains pulled across the doors that led out onto the balcony.
Julien busied himself getting out plates and utensils while Priest unpacked the containers from the restaurant. In the car on the way home, he had called the cleaning crew he’d hired for the premises to have them come out and take care of the kitchen and skybox after their little visit to JULIEN, and now that everything was starting to settle, Julien allowed what had happened tonight to replay over in his mind.
“Are you okay?” Priest asked, and Julien nodded.
“Oui, mon amour. That was different tonight, wasn’t it?” He didn’t have to elaborate; Julien knew that Priest would understand exactly what he was talking about. That moment where Robbie had been between them and they’d each had their hands and mouths on him. Instead of things being fast and furious, as it had been in the past with others, things had slowed down and turned sensual, and the two of them had fallen into sync with one another as they worked together to please and win over Robbie.
“It was,” Priest said.
Julien looked over to Robbie and nodded. “We’ve been looking for so long that I never actually thought we’d find him.”
“I know.”
“But it’s never felt like that before. I believe I was caught a little…off guard.”
Priest moved in behind him and put his lips to the shell of Julien’s ear. “As was I. You two together make quite the picture. So much so that I’m finding it difficult to merely watch.”
Julien rested against the solid wall that was Priest’s chest. “Then he’s definitely the one.”