Priest got to his feet, wine in hand, and walked over to the window. He wanted to see more, to get closer to what was going on, and when he reached the spot that overlooked the bar, he braced a hand on the wall where the privacy curtains hung and took a sip of his wine.
Down below, Julien poured the drinks he’d just mixed, pushed one across the bar to Robbie, and then raised his eyes to finally meet Priest’s. Julien had known that he was there all along, of course, but when an arrogant smile crossed Julien’s mouth, Robbie finally clued in and turned.
As the princess’s eyes found Priest’s, there was no outrage there. No shock. If anything, Robbie looked intrigued. He raised his drink to his lips and took another sip, and Priest let his eyes wander down to the very prominent erection in Robbie’s pants and thought gotcha, before he removed his hand from the wall and crooked a finger at the sassy young man in pink.
Julien said something then, because Robbie chuckled and then grinned, but he never took his eyes from Priest’s. Time’s up, Robert Bianchi. Now let’s see where this is all going to go. Shall we?
“WHAT’S UP THERE?” Robbie said, as Priest disappeared out of sight.
“Our table,” Julien said as he came around the counter and ushered Robbie out of the bar area and down a narrow hall. “It’s a private area for Priest and myself whenever we want it. And tonight, you.”
Robbie’s heart jackhammered as he followed Julien past a large set of double doors, with a square glass window in each giving a peek at the restaurant’s state-of-the-art kitchen. “Is that where we’re going now?”
“It’s where you’re going,” Julien said, as they stopped in front of what looked like a door with the same intricate molding that decorated the main dining room.
“Me?” Robbie said, as Julien pressed a button on the wall. The door slid open, revealing an elevator. Julien put a hand up to hold it in place, and then nodded at the same time Robbie shook his head.
There was no way he was going to voluntarily put himself in Priest’s presence alone. Not after that look he’d just given him or that silent summons with the crook of a finger. And hello, with the way Robbie’s body was all primed and ready for sex, Priest was the last person he needed to be near. He wanted Julien there. Needed him there. “I can wait with you,” Robbie suggested.
“I know,” Julien said. “But there’s no need. I’ll be up in just a minute. And Priest’s waiting.”
Yeah, okay, that doesn’t make me want to get in the elevator.
When Robbie tried for a smile, Julien laughed. “Can I tell you something, princesse?” he said, as Robbie tightened his fingers around the glass in his hand.
“You hold the power here.”
Uh, Robbie seriously doubted that. “Sure I do.”
“You do.” Julien gestured to the elevator with a tilt of his head, and Robbie took a deep breath and stepped inside. “We want you,” Julien said, and ran his eyes down to the erection Robbie had no hope of getting rid of. “He wants you. And he’s working really hard to get you. How often do you think someone like Priest does that?”
Never. Knowing Priest, he probably expected all men to kneel at his feet if they wanted his attention.
“Once,” Julien said, as he stepped back from the door. “He’s done it once before.”
Before Robbie could think over the meaning behind that, the doors slid shut, locking him inside, and then the elevator began to move.
Shit. Oh shit.
He quickly downed the rest of his drink and looked himself over to make sure everything was in order.
Fuck, why does Priest always make me so damn nervous? I look phenomenal. Of course he wants me. I hold the power.
But when the elevator jolted to a stop and the door slid open, revealing the man who made him feel so off-balance, Robbie knew that any power he held was nothing in comparison to whatever it was that Priest possessed.
“Robert. Won’t you join me?”
Robbie straightened his shoulders as he stepped off the elevator, determined to hold his ground and not be intimidated.
He wants me. He wants me, Robbie repeated in his head. But when Priest’s lips curved into a mere hint of a smile, Robbie cursed, because damn it, he wanted him too.
“How did you like the bar area? I feel you are a good person to judge, considering where you work,” Priest said, as though this wasn’t the strangest situation Robbie had ever found himself in. Not because there were two men involved. Oh no, that he could handle, and had several times before.
This was strange because a) they were married, and Robbie wasn’t sure what he was allowed to do or say, and to who. And b) one of those men was Joel fucking Priestley. A man who’d rubbed him wrong from the moment they’d met. A man who Robbie wanted rubbing him right now, despite every warning in his brain.