She had always suspected it lurked there. That overwhelming, pure dominance gleaming in those sapphire blue eyes as his gaze raked over her body.

“What am I doing, Jordan?” she asked, her lips parting to breathe in roughly as she dared to challenge him. “Refusing to put my head down and obey your every whim? Is that what you require in your women? Submission? Damn, and here I don’t do submission so well? Perhaps you should spank me.” She licked her lips slowly “Or something?”

She was naked and defying him, and there was a thrill racing through her that made her feel intoxicated. For now, a sense of power began whipping through her. A knowledge, an instinct where her lover was concerned. Where her o

wn hidden, unrealized needs had once lain dormant, she could now feel them rising fast and out of control.

Jordan watched the challenge building in her eyes, the steamy seductive heat as it made her expression drowsy with sensual hunger and a need for that challenge to be met and conquered.

He was going to fuck her until they were both gasping for air and too weak to move. Until there wasn’t a chance in hell she could forget exactly who her very beautiful, very aroused body belonged to.

Tehya stared at him, her breathing heavy and rough as she sensed that sexual edge sharpening inside him. The look in his eyes sent a chill of anticipation racing up her spine. She had never seen that expression on his face before, never done more than catch a fleeting glimpse of the powerful needs he had hidden so carefully.

“You’re mine,” he bit out suddenly, forcefully, shocking her with the depth of the declaration. “As long as we’re in this together, by God, you’re mine and you will survive this, Tehya. No matter what I have to do to ensure it. And you will not fight me further where your protection is concerned.”

Oh, she wouldn’t?

“Kiss my ass,” she retorted, knowing damned well the affect it would have on him.

His lashes lowered, blue fire erupting in his gaze as the words slipped past her lips, and reacted on his senses.

“Oh baby, with pleasure. It will be my absolute pleasure.”

As pure unadulterated lust exploded in his eyes, he gripped her wrist and pulled her quickly to him, straight into his arms, his grip unbreakable as he held her snug against him.

Her nipples were so hard, so sensitive, they throbbed with the swollen response that tightened them as they rasped against the material of his T-shirt. Her sex flooded with warmth, with the slick essence that prepared her body for his possession. The reaction was so quick, so strong it swept through her control and laid it to waste with immediate response. Her breath caught, a gasp parting her lips and giving him the opening he needed.

Jordan took complete advantage. His lips lowered and the kiss shattered her defenses, if there had been left against him. His lips possessed and marauded stroking over her lips and throwing her headlong in desperate need. She met the kiss, suddenly so aroused, so out of control that she met his kiss with the same forceful need that he spilled into her.

They ate at each other’s lips. Tongues dueled, fought for control of the kiss, and for control of each other

The wound on her arm was forgotten. Whether it was the cream or the drugs or the lust, or a combination of the three, she wasn’t certain. She also wasn’t hurting for anything but Jordan’s touch.

Straining to get closer, to feel the touch of him against every cell of her naked body, Tehya moaned in distress. She couldn’t get close enough. She couldn’t kiss him enough, couldn’t taste him enough.

She couldn’t claim him hard enough or fast enough for the hunger raging through her. Her hands pushed beneath his shirt, finding hard male flesh and curling her nails against it.

His arms were around her, clasping her tight to him as she fought to touch more of him, to holding him closer to her. She felt herself lifted, moving, until she felt the bed against the back of her legs. She felt sensations brewing, whipping inside her. A storm she couldn’t resist and pleasure began whipping through her.

Jordan tore his head back, his blue eyes flaming as she met his gaze.

“Kiss your ass?” he growled. “Oh baby, I’m going to do so much more than that to your gorgeous tight little ass.”


Tehya felt the bed at her back as Jordan lowered her to the mattress, before standing in front of her and stripping until he was as naked as she was. Hard, heavy muscle flexed beneath his chest as he came to her, his knees pressing into the bed as he came to its center, his head lowering until his lips could brush over her collarbone, his tongue licking a trail of pure heat across her sensitive flesh. The touch had a low moan escaping her lips as she arched closer to him.

Flames began to spread through her system as the exhilerating kisses moved over the curve of a breast, and his hand smoothed up her side to the swollen undercurve. He cupped it dominantly, his lips descending on the tight, hard tip of her nipple.

The ultrasensitive swollen bud throbbed in pleasure as he sucked it into his mouth, drawing on it and pulling every wracking sensation of need from her nipple to the tight, aching nubbin of her clitoris.

With his free hand Jordan stroked down her abdomen, his callused fingertips rasping over her flesh as exquisite bliss began to rock through her body. She was to the point of shaking, shuddering with the powerful carnal rapture building inside her.

His fingers trailed to her thighs, stroking, caressing as her hips lifted, desperately seeking his touch against the swollen, needy folds of her sex.

She would have screamed for more if she had the breath, if she could find enough oxygen to do more than whimper as she tried to beg for more, for a firmer, rougher touch.

Her clit ached with an intense demand, pinpoints of electric sensation sizzling to the aching bud before whipping through her vagina with agonizing need.