As Jordan spoke, Travis shot John a hard look.

John grimaced at the obvious message in the other man’s gaze.

“I know you wanted Killian excluded from this,” he said as he reached to the table for the heavy file. “A courier dropped this off about half an hour before your arrival. Evidently there has been some movement over the past few years to reorganize and revive Sorrel’s operation.”

“By who? And why do they need Tehya to do this?” Son of a bitch.

Tehya was right. Somehow Sorrel was reaching out from the grave to haunt her.

“According to the information Killian has managed to pull together, whoever’s behind it believes Tehya is a key to the funding the operation.” John moved to the table and pulled out the chair in the front of the file.

Casting a quick glance to the bedroom door, Jordan followed.

“Here’s the will Tehya’s grandfather, Bernard Taite, left before his death.” A stack of legal papers was pulled from the file. “According to this, if Francis Taite, or one of her children, were ever found, then their inheritance would be incredible. The Taite main estate, which is currently occupied by his brother, Stephen Taite, and his family, would be immediately turned over to the heir. That includes two large estate homes, four guest cottages, various cars, limos, servants, jewels, you get the picture.” John waved his hand to the will.

“The Taites are one of the richest families in France,” Travis picked up. “They’re related to both the French and English crowns, with Stephen Taite holding the position of not just the third cousin to the king but also included on his board of advisors.”

“How much would Taite industries pay to have their heir back?” John asked. “Better yet, how much would any or all of them pay to see her disappear forever?”

“How much would she be worth if she could be brainwashed to obey the whims of her captors instead, if they had managed to capture her that night?”

The sun was rising beyond the narrow slit of the heavy curtains across from the table.

Travis sat back and stared at the will for long moments.

“As the legal heir to the Benard Taites fortune, the amount would be more than I want to sit and figure up for them.”

Neither did Jordan, but the amount would be enough to make any man risk the attempt.

“Any word in there concerning who contacted Arthur and Tenneyson concerning the true details of Tehya’s death?”

John picked up the papers in the file and rifled through them for a moment before pulling the printed report free.

Jordan accepted the page, his gaze moving to read the detailed report, as a frown pulled at his brow.

“Origination, Hagerstown, Maryland,” he murmured, then looked at each man. “Did you track the number?”

“The number went back to here.” Travis pulled the report free.

The number had originated from Room 714 of one of the better hotels in town.

“At the same time, Tehya was registered there while she was having interior work done on the house.”

“The caller didn’t reveal her location, though why he bothered to keep it quiet made no sense,” John grunted. “Because the

y revealed her name.”

“Be too helpful and you can sabotage yourself,” Jordan pointed out. “The caller gave just enough information to ensure the story was checked.” He tapped his finger against the file. “How did Killian acquire the information?”

“He sent a four-man team to Afghanistan after you discussed returning Tehya to base. He asked that you contact him concerning that, by the way,” Travis stated mockingly.

Jordan gave a quiet snarl of disgust.

“Yeah, that’s what we thought, too,” John approved. “But he had a team still working this. They’re currently in France attempting to put together a list of known associates for Ira Arthurs and Mark Tenneyson. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

Jordan shook his head before leaning back in the chair and glaring at the curtains covering the windows across from him.

Some habits were impossible to break. He still kept the blinds pulled securely in his apartment in Texas. He had noticed, though, that Tehya kept the curtains over the kitchen sink open. She had been attempting to break the habit.