She suddenly realized couldn’t lie there in the bed any longer. That nervous energy building inside her wouldn’t be denied.

Rising from the bed, she glanced over her shoulder, barely glimpsing his curious expression in the dim light of the room.

“Why, it really doesn’t matter, does it?” she asked quietly. “But if your plan is to use Journey in this little plot of yours, then perhaps you should reconsider it. I believe I would be truly upset over that Jordan.”

Jordan almost grinned at the protectiveness Tehya felt for the sharp-tongued Journey Taite. And it didn’t surprise him. The other woman had no idea how much she was like her missing cousin. They were so alike Micah had remarked that they were all damned lucky they didn’t resemble each other. Because there would be no way to hide their familial relationship if they did.

Propping his elbow on the bed, he rested his head against his hand and watched her patiently, waiting for more.

“She looks just like my mother did as a young woman,” Tehya finally said softly, the loss she felt over her mother’s death echoing in her voice. “Sometimes I let myself imagine what our lives could have been like if Sorrel hadn’t destroyed her. Mother would have been happy, I think. She would have made everyone around her happy. No matter how horrible the running could get at times, Mother always had a way to make me smile.”

“She passed that gift on to you, Tey,” he assured her.

He watched as those fiery curls moved gently when she shook her head before she asked, “What are you going to do to pull the Taites into this? Using Journey would be wrong, Jordan. She deserves more than that.”

And it would break Journey’s heart if she learned Tehya was the daughter of the deceased Francine and hadn’t revealed herself. If Journey was anything like her, she would be hurt because Tehya hadn’t confided in her. She would be more than hurt, she would be furious.

“Actually, we’re using someone else to bring you in contact with the Taites,” he said. “Kell Krieger has decided to go into politics. With the help of his father-in-law, Senator Stanton. He and his wife are hosting their first series of campaign balls and luncheons to allow the senator’s backers to get to know him and his wife, Emily. One of those backers is Jordan Malone.” He grinned self-mockingly. “I’ll be arriving with my new lover, Teylor Johnson, to support my good friend and fellow Navy SEAL.”

Tehya collected her robe from the chair by the bed and pulled it on slowly as she allowed the information to process.

She was going to end up with a headache before the night was over. She could feel it building just behind her eyes as she fought back the tension rising inside her.

“You’re not going in covert? You’re risking not just yourself but your family?” She couldn’t believe he would do such a thing. That he would possibly ever bring the Malone name into an operation.

“Too many people know me too well, especially in D.C. Creating a cover will only cause more problems than it can fix.”

“I don’t like this plan.” She gave her head a hard shake. “God, Jordan, you’re risking Grandpop? Sabella and the children?”

“There’s no risk,” he answered definitively, almost convincing her. Almost. “If anything, that risk will be confined to myself only.”

She shook her head, her lips parting to speak.

“Tehya.” His voice sharpened. “Why would they bother to strike out against my family? It would serve no purpose. Even Sorrel wouldn’t have bothered to go so far out of his way. And once they’ve been neutralized, all they’ll know is that an operation targeting them by a law enforcement agency succeeded. Jordan Malone will never be tied to it.”

She was shaking her head as she spoke.

“You’re insane,” she snapped.

“We could always go back to plan A.” He shrugged. “As I said, the SEAL base commander in Florida has expressed a lot of interest in having you on his team once he learned Killian wouldn’t be acquiring you.”

She threw him a glare before sitting on the edge of the bed and turning to watch him furiously.

“Fine. I’ll go to Florida.” A lifetime of hiding. No true friends, nothing that could truly belong to her. An underground suite without windows again, the knowledge that she never truly belonged. On the outside looking in.

She couldn’t do it, but more to the point Jordan knew she couldn’t do it.

His smile was tight, knowing. “It won’t change the plan,” he told her softly. “But I’ll have you transported out at daybreak if that’s what you want.”

“You could go back to retirement.” She swallowed tightly. “Go home and help raise your nephew. You’ve always said if you’re not around then Noah and Sabella will spoil him to death.”

Of course, he was usually telling Noah that. Noah and his wife Sabella were completely crazy about their son. They would be even worse over the coming daughter, whom they’d already named Mira.

He shook his head slowly. A negative movement that matched his mocking grin.

“In three days, the game begins. We’ll leave for D.C. tomorrow evening. There’s a suite reserved for us at the Four Seasons in Georgetown. We’ll begin a series of carefully coordinated social events until someone bites. We’re going fishing sweetheart.”