He’d called in the first, and the best, Elite Operations team that had ever existed.

His team, to protect his woman.


“Hey, Teylor, you’re here early,” Kyle the bartender called out as she entered the dim interior of the bar and looked around.

The Saturday afternoon regulars were there, no more than half a dozen. Journey was there as well, a plate of Wing Dings, the bar’s exceptional chicken wings, and a glass of soda sat next to a heavy text book she had been reading. Friendly’s had become her only hangout, Journey had told Tehya a few weeks before. It was the only place she felt comfortable, she claimed.

Journey lifted her head and a smile crossed her face as she raised her hand in greeting before turning her attention back to her book, obviously more interested in studying than socializing.

Shoulder-length fiery gold hair fell over a delicate face as she frowned fiercely at whatever she was reading.

“This is the wrong place to attempt to study,” Tehya chided her in amusement as she caught Journey’s nails tapping against the table in time to the music. “I hope the test isn’t being given anytime soon.”

Journey grimaced as she lifted her head and pushed the book away. “A very boring dissertation on an even more boring poet. I’m still trying to convince grandfather to allow me to drop the English major for one of graphic design.”

“She’ll make a lousy English major with that attitude.” Casey stated sympathetically from the table next to Journey. “She needs to simply do what she wants and tell the rest of them to kiss her ass.”

“Is that your best advice, Casey?” Tehya shot him a look of amusement that took effort. “Maybe you should give her tips on pissing her grandfather off.”

“I would, but she keeps throwing that damned boyfriend up at me.” He shot her a quick grin. “I keep telling her Sebastian’s a sissy name and there’s no way he’ll stand up to good ole grandpop with her.”

Tehya gave a low, easy laugh. Another response that she didn’t feel. Journey had begun seeing Sebastian several weeks before, though she had only mentioned him to Tehya a few times and never with a last name.

After getting his beer, Casey came back to the table and Journey, who was still staring at her book.

Tehya headed over to the bar and accepted the cold bottle of beer Kyle set in front of her. She moved beside Journey as she remained silent, gripped the bottle and sipped.

Hell, why had she run here? Tehya wondered as she looked around the small bar. Journey was studiously ignoring Casey now as she always did when he teased her over Sebastian.

“Hey, Tey, you’re quiet today.” Casey looked over to her a few minutes later as he sipped at his beer, his brown eyes curious. “Everything cool?”

She nodded absently. “Fine, Casey. Just at loose ends at the moment.”

Tehya didn’t work Saturdays and Sundays. She usually cleaned house, took care of the yard, or did paperwork. Normally, she didn’t arrive at the bar until late for a drink, and to watch other customers while pretending she was a part of the joviality that existed among them.

Friendly’s was just what its name implied. No one put on airs, no one pretended to be superior to the others. It was simply a nice little place for a beer, friendly company, and a chance to unwind.

And still, she felt out of place. And today, she definitely wasn’t unwinding, while the sense of not belonging felt sharper than normal.

Always on the outside looking in.

Always dreaming about life, but never living it. She’d never had a chance to live, to love without fear, or to work to realize her dreams. And she hated that.

A shaft of light speared through the side entrance, drawing her gaze as she lifted the beer to her lips, pausing before taking a sip.

Tehya wanted to groan in frustration. Instead, she pretended not to see the new arrival as he strode to the table and pulled out the chair before sitting down.

That didn’t keep the few women in the bar from turning to stare. After all, he was tall, broad shouldered, arrogant, and had an air of sexy, dominant danger about him.

He was dressed in jeans, a casual dark shirt, leather jacket and boots, and there were probably no less than half a dozen weapons hidden on his body. Breathing out wearily she stood from the table, ignoring Casey and Journey’s curious gazes as she moved to the bar, followed by the silent, dark-eyed male everyone seemed to be watching. His arrival told her far more than words ever could. Jordan was serious about this unsanctioned operation. And he was serious about making certain someone was watching her.

He slid onto the barstool beside her. “Give me what she’s having,” he ordered the bartender, nodding at her beer.

Kyle shot her a surprised look before filling the order and taking the money tossed onto the bar.

“What do you want?” she asked, her voice low as she lifted the bottle to her lips. “And who do you have following me? I know it wasn’t you.” She would have seen him. Micah wouldn’t have tried to hide from her.