military somewhere. That’s the only way they could have acquired the technology needed to get through the security.” His lips thinned as he continued to stare at the other two men.

“That technology is only available in a few countries other than America,” Micah informed him. “You can’t get that just anywhere, Jordan.”

“I’m more than aware of this.” Icy cold, emotionless, his voice was like a sibilant whisper of death.

“I want complete dossiers on them.” He turned to Nik, his gaze meeting the other man’s. “Everything. I want to know who they socialize with and who they work for. I want to know every particle of their lives.”

“And you’ll have it,” Noah swore, “the moment it’s ready.”

And Tehya knew Noah. She knew the bond he shared with his uncle. That information would be available very soon, if it existed.

With a jerk of his head toward the door behind him, Jordan indicated he was finished there and that the others should follow him.

Turning, he curved his arm around Tehya’s waist and drew her with him back to the front room of the suite. He would give the two men time to awaken, then he would awaken them himself it necessary. Maybe. There were alternatives to interrogating men whom he knew wouldn’t give him the answers he wanted. And he realized he didn’t want to have to question them in front of Tehya.

He didn’t want her to see the worst of him. In the years she had been at the base, she had never seen him interrogate an enemy, had never seen him kill.

He realized he didn’t want her to see it now. And it was going to happen. Frackle and his partner had all but signed their death warrants when they came for him with the intent of taking Tehya. And if they didn’t talk, if they didn’t give him answers, then, Jordan promised himself, they would never threaten anyone, ever again.


Tehya had thought she would know the two men when she faced them, that they would be men she had known from Sorrel’s organization. She hadn’t expected strangers. Men she hadn’t glimpsed following her before. Men she knew nothing of.

It was so reminiscent of the years she had spent running from her biological father. Despite his death, he had reached out from the grave, determined to destroy everyone, anyone she cared for or who would attempt to protect her.

As she stepped into the main room of the suite, she wondered if perhaps Jordan wasn’t right. Maybe love truly was an illusion. If it were real, wouldn’t she have forced him out of the danger she faced? At the least, wouldn’t she have run, or found a way to hide from him? To protect him. Wasn’t that a part of love?

“Jordan, they’re not going to talk.” John stepped from the room, the others following. “They’re not going to tell you why they targeted Tehya, if the information we’re pulling up is true.”

Jordan turned slowly to face him. “Tehya was the target once they killed me. And they will talk, one way or the other. I want answers John. They knew our security and exactly how to get past it, knew the lay of the suite and how to get to me. I want to know who told them.”

“They knew which side of the bed you were sleeping on,” Tehya pointed out, hearing the sound of her own voice, recognizing the dispassionate sound of it. “And it wasn’t luck, because you rarely sleep on the same side of the bed two nights in a row.”

It had driven her crazy since he had begun sleeping with her. She liked her side.

She liked Jordan alive.

She could feel herself freezing inside, feel the fear, the certain knowledge that in all the years she had been running, anyone who tried to save her died.

Could she bear losing Jordan as her mother had lost everyone she had tried to trust during the years she had fought to keep her daughter safe?

She couldn’t. She knew she couldn’t survive losing Jordan in such a way.

Oh God, she couldn’t be the cause of the life being bled from those incredible blue eyes.

Tehya watched as the six men and two women exchanged looks.

“No one should have been aware of anything within this suite,” Micah stated as he jerked the mask from his face and cast a disgusted look at the door they had just closed. “We don’t allow staff or visitors in the room and Nik had the location of the furniture moved into the normal walk paths of the room before we arrived. No one could have known the layout.

“We’re not fucking rookies, Tehya,” Micah reminded her, his voice, his eyes icy cold. She had offended him and she hadn’t meant to.

Tehya inhaled slowly. God, she didn’t have time to deal with the male ego or tender feelings tonight. She’d had enough. Her fingers curled into fists as she fought back her own smart-assed response. The need to rip the eyes from the bastards that had attempted to kill Jordan was nearly overpowering.

They had almost succeeded in taking from her one of the few people she knew she could depend upon. The only man she had ever loved. The only man she hadn’t been able to resist from the moment she had laid eyes on him.

Her point was the fact that Nik had reserved the room in his own name. At the earliest, they might have known she was in the room the day after. And as Micah stated, they hadn’t allowed anyone inside the suite, even staff. Furniture in both the living and dining suite as well as the bedroom had been moved.

The only way any type of video or audio could have been placed inside the room was before they arrived. They had checked for surveillance equipment, though, she knew that. Hell, she had helped do it and they had found nothing.