Dragging her gaze from her own eyes, she watched Jordan in the mirror as she tied her hair back, her eyes narrowing as she lifted her chin in determination against the dominant look he flashed her.

“I’m not going hunting tonight,” he assured her.

Tehya forced herself not to flinch at the sound of his voice, a harsh, vicious rasp that assured her the rage was still in danger of escaping.

“You’re not yourself yet.” She swallowed tightly, terrified that once he faced the two attackers, he would lose the rational, logical control he was famous for. “You look like you’re ready to kill, Jordan. I’ve rarely seen that look in your eyes.”

He stared back at her ruthlessly.

“Look.” She shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans. “I don’t want you doing something you’ll regret because of me.”

She could feel her heart racing out of control, the panic shifting from a fear of Jordan being wounded, or worse, killed, to the fear of him losing his control and perhaps blaming her for it.

“I’m fine.” His hands swiped through his hair as a tight grimace crossed his face.


“I’m fine, Tehya.” His voice sharpened. “I won’t kill the bastards, no matter how badly I want to. Now if you want to be there for the questioning, you’d better come on. I want my chance to find out who the fuck they are before Noah cuts their throats.”

He turned and stalked from the room, like a predator on the prowl, the air of danger surrounding him keeping her nerves on edge.

Jordan could feel her fear, her worry. His instincts were too finely honed, his knowledge of her too deep to escape it. Just as his knowledge that he was the one now causing her wariness couldn’t be escaped.

He would have to deal with it later. He would have to face the fact that he was riding a very fine edge of control because of the threat she was facing.

Stepping into the connecting suite he moved, or rather stalked to where the two men were bound in chairs, still unconscious.

“Who are they?” He directed the question to his nephew, still masked, his eyes a much darker blue and blazing with his own fury.

“We have John Frackle.” He smacked the first man on the head, causing it to jerk to the side in unconscious response.

John Frackle was approximately six feet, his brown hair cut close to his scalp. Gray tape was still slapped over his mouth, effectively gagging him in case he awakened.

It would come off soon enough, as soon as he was conscious, and when it did, Jordan promised himself the bastard would talk or he’d lose his tongue. Or perhaps never have the chance to attempt to talk again.

“Frackle has a nice little history listed with several law enforcement agencies from what we’re learning.” Noah jerked his thumb over his shoulder to where Nik was at the computer pulling up files and printing them out. “It seems he likes to work for maggots who target pretty women. If they’re not virgins when he kidnaps them, then he’s known to rape them before they reach the men that hired him.”

Jordan turned his gaze slowly back to Frackle and let his lips curl in anticipation.

“Killing him will be fun,” he drawled.

Tehya flinched at the promise in his voice.

“And who is his buddy?”

“He’s teamed up with Marco Fillipini. Good ole Marco may not know his partner well, though. This one, I know of. Marco’s penny-ante, mainly sticks to France. I have a few feelers out to get his story, but I thought we might go easy on him if he talks a little bit for us.” Noah smacked Marco a bit harder than he had Frackle.

Both men were well muscled, likely well experienced, and in a world of hurt once they were conscious, if Jordan had his way.

“They were outside the party you attended tonight,” Nik said from where he sat at the computer. “They’re working with the same team that attacked Tehya’s home. From what I’ve learned so far, they’re mostly mercenaries, though Frackle and Fillipini were low-level soldiers in Sorrel’s organization before he was killed.”

Jordan lifted a brow as he gazed at Frackle, then Marco. His fingers curled into fists again. The need to see their blood was almost as strong as the lust that tormented him where Tehya was concerned.

That realization was shocking. He’d never allowed himself to become so involved with anyone, besides his nephew. He’d been angry over attacks against his men or wounds they’d taken, but never had he experienced this level of violence.

“Someone got them some pretty toys,” Noah spoke behind him. “It took them less than three seconds to slip our security with ones they brought.”

Jordan gave a brief nod of his head. “They have to be well-funded just as we suspected, with ties, or their employer has ties, to the