“What do you want?” she asked, her voice husky, breathless from the hard fierce throbbing of her heart in her chest.

He should be illegal. He should have to wear an ugly disguise when he was in public to weaken his effect on the female of the species. Because she wasn’t the only woman to grow immediately wet at the sight of him.

“Doc is here,” he told her, the lazy drawl in his voice filled with knowing arousal as his gaze slid over her body. “Keep the towel on. He’ll need access to the arm though.”

Tehya rolled her eyes, but she wasn’t stupid. She knew the wound had to be checked. The towel was large enough that she was well covered, but it still left the heavy slice on the outside of her bicep accessible.

Thankfully, the doctor was old enough that she felt reasonably comfortable, and he was well supplied with all the tools of his trade. One of those tools was a numbing cream that he used on the wound before bandaging it.

Within minutes the worst of the pain eased, giving her some relief without the grogginess of the pills.

“You need to pack that stuff in your bag.” She informed Jordan. “Steal it or something.”

“The wound isn’t too bad,” the doctor assured them as he and Jordan both ignored her. Though, bless his heart, he left the tube on the table as he repacked his bag and stared down at her with kind eyes. “You should feel right as rain once you’ve slept for a while and the wound has a chance to start healing. Keep the cream on it, keep both cloth and adhesive bandages. Don’t use the arm any more than you have to and you shouldn’t have any problems.”

He laid out a small bottle of medication. “It’s not too strong, even for your system.” His lips quirked in a grin. “Mr. Malone explained your sensitivity to painkillers. It has some pain medication and antibiotics. Once every four hours unless you want a nasty infection.”

She stared at the packet and clenched her teeth in frustration. She detested pills and medications of any sort. No matter what they said, the stuff always made her groggy at the very least.

“Take one now, my dear.” The doctor laid one of the oval pills in her hand. “Have you ever seen gangrene? I’m certain one so pretty wouldn’t want such a nasty infection.”

She swore he was in league with Jordan.

She took the pill. If it knocked her out and she managed to wake up safe and sound, then she would make certain Jordan paid for it. And the look she shot him promised retribution, because she knew, somehow, he had found a way to manuever this pill thing.

As the doctor left the room and the door closed behind him, Tehya gathered up the change of clothes Jordan had laid out for her.

Soft lounge pants, a loose T-shirt, and warm socks. She kept them in her go-bag. A girl never knew when she was going to need to be comfortable. That and makeup, and she was usually good to go in almost any situation.

Pulling her make up bag from the pack, she took out the moisturizer before placing the bag on the chest.

“What are you doing?” He stepped in front of her as she headed for the bathroom.

“I’m going to get dressed, Jordan,” she said sarcastically.

“It’s time for bed, Tehya,” he shot back in return. “And you don’t need to get dressed for that.”

Hell, when he dropped his voice like that he made her stomach clench in hunger. There were times when loving him, needing him as she did, could be a terrible distraction. And this was one of those times.

“I’ve already slept, remember?” She argued as she shot him a glare.

“That was no more than a nap,” he scoffed as he blocked her way once more.

What the hell was his problem?

“I’m too restless to sleep.” She narrowed her eyes back at him suspiciously. “Go away, Jordan. Surely you can find something better to do than aggravating me to death.” If he couldn’t think of anything, then she was certain she could.

Jordan grinned. “That’s okay, baby, I have a cure for that.”

The towel fell to the floor as Tehya felt her breath catch. Her body flooded with heat and sensitivity. The cool air of the air-conditioned room washed over her. It was an additional caress as she felt Jordan step behind her. The warmth of his chest warmed her, creating a feeling of security even as she felt the arousal beginning to surge out of her control, as his hand slid slowly down her arms, gripping the hand of her good arm and guiding it up until she curved her fingers along the nape of his neck.

Jerking against his grip she almost escaped, only to be pulled back into his arms as he chuckled wickedly and replaced her hand. Why was she fighting him? Oh yeah, that’s right, he had drugged her, deliberately, when he knew she hated it.

“Stop fighting me, Tehya. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

He obviously hadn’t expected her to try to escape again. This time, she made it free of his arms and turned to face him. She had every intention of telling him exactly what she thought of his high-handedness. Despite the fact that there wasn’t a time that she didn’t crave his touch, that didn’t mean he had to be so confident that she was his for the taking.

The she saw something in his eyes that had the juices spilling from her pussy, lubricating the bare folds and sensitizing her clit. A blazing dominant lust that all but glowed in his eyes and tightened his expression in intense, carnal, burning arousal. A powerful need she could already feel herself weakening to.