She hadn’t even wanted to know what the plan was after returning to the house. But now, hours later, she found herself wondering about it despite her best efforts to remain unaffected.

She straightened the envelopes before turning and tucking them into the leather briefcase sitting on the floor by the desk. Her employees would be waiting for their checks when she arrived.

There were a dozen employees, fewer than she needed, but she had wanted to wait before adding to the business. She was glad she had. Fewer to suspect, fewer to worry about protecting.

“What do I do about my company?” she asked quietly as she rose from her desk.

Jordan looked up from his laptop, his intense blue eyes lasering in on her.

His brow lifted mockingly. “Are you ready to listen now?”

She deserved the comment. She had cut him off each time he had tried to discuss the situation with her.

“You know, Tehya, you surprised me.” Disappointment laced his voice. “We’re here for you. The entire team came the second they learned you were in danger and each member of the backup team has offered their help. And you don’t even want to hear how we’re going to keep you alive.”

There was a thread of anger in his tone, and she couldn’t blame him.

“Does it matter now?” Finally, she sighed and walked over to the recliner facing the couch. “I’m ready to deal with it now Jordan. I wasn’t capable of accepting it earlier.” She rubbed roughly at her face as the weariness made her feel weak, almost too tired to face this discussion. “Perhaps, Jordan, just once in my entire life, I wanted to believe I was safe. I wanted a home, a life. Perhaps a cat or a dog.” Weary acceptance filled her at that realization. She’d wanted a pet. “How pathetic is that? I’ve never had a pet.”

“Understandable.” Despite the sympathy, his voice hardened. “Now we have to fix it so you can have one. But I can’t do it without help.”

Her shoulders bunched defensively. “What more can I do, Jordan? I won’t run again. I’ll do whatever is needed, just as I always have.”

This was the commander of the Elite Ops. Hard, cool, so damned logical he could have been a damned robot as he stared back at her.

“We need to consider the determination this shadow has shown since Sorrel’s death. The occasional searches, and the obvious interest in your death that we set up. I happen to be someone who knew why you were so important to Sorrel.”

“Then they would know more than I do.” She sniffed. “And that would mean it would be someone close to Sorrel, Perhaps another son? A brother? Because he trusted very few people.” Though as far as she knew her father hadn’t had family. “He was rumored to be an only child. When he died, no one came forward to claim the estate.”

“Because he left that estate to his son and his daughter,” he reminded her. “You and Raven. With his son dead, that only left you. Coming forward would do no one any good at this point since the French government confiscated the estate as recompense against Sorrel’s victims. But that doesn’t cancel out the revenge angle against for his death.”

That was what she was scared of, though she had assumed a former associate rather than a family member. “But no matter which, how do we draw them out?”

His lips tightened in frustration. “You won’t like it, but I want you to promise to hear me out.”

She nodded and said, “Okay, but before you dive in, keep in mind that I’ll also need to know what to do with my company. My employees can’t afford to be without work, Jordan, and I don’t want to lay them off or suspend business.”

“The company is easy,” he assured her. “Tomorrow, you’ll give the information needed to Clint and Morganna when they arrive. They’re flying in tonight from Atlanta. They’ll be here by dawn. They’ll take over for you until this is over, while supporting the rumor that you’re considering selling the company.” He lifted his hand as she started to speak. “This will keep anyone from targeting the company or your employees. Their covers are simple. They’re coming in as themselves, and we’ll have no contact with them after the initial meeting. Once this is over, then you can return and simply say you changed your mind about selling. The employees may be concerned, but I believe they’ll handle it okay if Clint and Morganna promise no one will be fired because of the sell.”

Her lips tightened as she gave a quiet nod. She didn’t like it, but he was right. If the person or persons behind Arthur and Tenneyson were the same as in France, or worse, someone fanatically dedicated to Sorrel’s memory and his cause, then they would target the business and her employees if they thought it meant anything to her.

“Is that the only part I won’t like?” She had a feeling it wasn’t.

“No, it isn’t.” He sat forward, his gaze meeting hers, locking with hers, and she felt that familiar heat curling in her lower belly.

“Then what is it?” she asked shortly. “Go ahead, Jordan, strip me to the bone quickly, don’t draw it out.”

His lips almost quirked into a smile before his expression stilled.

“We’re going to use the Taite family to draw them in, Tehya. It’s time for you to face your family.”

She jumped to her feet, astonished fury erupting through her. “The hell it is.”

Jordan came to his feet slowly. “You know, Tehya, this temper of yours could get you into trouble, sweetheart,” he warned her with an air of forced patience.

“Go to hell, Jordan!” she snapped, her fingers raking through her hair as she fought to make sense of this supposed plan of his. “What the hell makes you think I’m going to face them simply because you dictate it, when I haven’t done so in all these years? Who the hell do you think you are?”

“I’m the man trying to save your pretty ass,” he bit out furiously. He jerked her into his arms.