She was jerking in his arms, crying out his name, her voice hoarse, filled with emotion. God, he didn’t want to hear the emotion. This was one night only. It was supposed to be one kiss only, but the damage had already been done. They were both so damned hungry for this that he knew there would be no staying away from each other unless this was finished.

Then he could return to showing the world what a cold, hard bastard he really was. He would return to showing Tehya that there was no future to this, ever. That tonight was all they could ever have.

As the final pulses of her orgasm flexed against his tongue, Jordan slid back slowly, lapping at her, filling his senses with the sweetness of her before straightening, picking her up in his arms and carrying her to her bedroom.

He had been here only once before, when she first came to the Operation center. He had shown her to the small underground apartment, shown her around.

When they had stepped into the bedroom, tension had whipped in the air, even then.

It wasn’t much different now. Boxes were packed and awaiting transport rather than awaiting unpacking. The bed was larger, a king-sized rather than full as it had once been.

He laid her in the center of the bed, narrowed his eyes down at her as he undressed.

Shedding the last of his clothes, Jordan watched as Tehya tossed her gown to the floor. It would have been a shame to ruin the silk, but he would have torn it from her if she hadn’t removed it herself.

Gripping the base of his dick he fought back the need to simply fuck her. That was what he should do. He should go right to her, thrust inside her and drive them both to climax.

But he needed more. He ached for more. He had his own fantasies to fulfill tonight, especially this one.

He watched as she sat before him, pushing her hair back, staring up at him with those witchy eyes as she licked her lips slowly.

Jordan eased onto the bed, kneeling in front of her, the overriding lust stripping away what little restraint he had held onto over the years.

His hand slid into the back of her head, delving beneath those silky curls.

“You know what I want,” he growled, almost wincing at the sound of his own voice. “Suck my dick, Tehya. Let me fuck that sweet mouth.”

Response flared in her eyes and he wanted to curse. He hated himself. Hated the needs that tore through him, the dominance that was too much a core part of him, and the hunger he couldn’t still for this too-delicate woman.

Her lips parted for him, her little pink tongue peeking out to lick over the engorged, flushed head of his cock as rapid-fire electrical impulses began to attack his nerve endings.

Clenching his teeth, he couldn’t hold back the groan that rumbled in his chest. It was so fucking good. Her tongue was a lash of pure ecstasy on the head of his dick, the aching throb of pleasure sending waves of sensation through his balls and then across the rest of his flesh.

His fingers clenched her hair as his thighs tightened. He swore he could feel his come building in his balls, threatening to erupt.

Holding the base tight, he rubbed the head against her tongue, her lips. Watching as her eyes met his, as the engorged flesh of his cock caressed paradise.

He wanted to sink inside. To feel her hot mouth closing over the super sensitive head of his dick and sucking it in. The anticipation of it was killing him.

“Suck it,” he ordered roughly. “Let me in that hot little mouth, baby. Let me fuck it like I’ve dreamed of for ten damned years.”

Ten fucking years. It was too late to wait for this. Too long to wait to feel her lips closing over the head of his cock, sucking him into ecstasy.

Her lips parted.

Jordan didn’t wait for her to take him. Her lips parting was permission enough.

Holding firm to her hair, he watched instead as he pushed inside, then shuddered as a wave of heat tore through as he watched her suck him inside.

Sweet, pink lips were stretched, reddened. Those brilliant emerald eyes fluttered, closed as pleasure suffused her face. Her hands smoothed down his flanks before moving up, one hand moving between his thighs, her fingers finding the taut, responsive sac of his balls and cupping it with silken hands.

This was paradise.

Ah hell, he was going to lose himself in her and he could feel it. The threat of it was there. The threat of losing every promise he had made to himself over the years had the potential to destroy him.

“Fuck yes!” he hissed out as she began to move, her mouth caressing the engorged crest as she began a firm, erotic suckling of her mouth that he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out against for long. “Suck my dick, baby. Sweet, hot fucking mouth…”

His thighs burned they were clenched so tight as her hungry mouth began to work over his cock. Her tongue lashed against the underside of the head, rubbed. The suckling pressure eased, then tightened.