He thrust twice.


Her body undulated. She mewled with bliss.

On his third thrust— one that was overwhelmingly deep and made her catch back a sob— it was Zach who closed his eyes, gritting his teeth, saying, “God.”

ZACH DIDN’T KNOW who took whom here. He only knew their bellies pressed, their chests pressed, she was soft and warm and quivering, his cock was buried to the hilt inside of her, and he was ready to detonate.

He struggled to control the urge to pump, thrust, ram harder and deeper until they passed out, and instead sucked in big gulps of air in an effort to regain his control. They’d been masochists as teens. Had loved drawing out the pleasure, loved wanting each other until their pleasure coated each other’s hands.

This was her first time. Hell if he would let himself shatter this fast.

“This feels wonderful.” Her clouded, lust-filled eyes searched his face with amazement.

This. Flesh to flesh. Naked. Like they used to be. But this time, he was embedded inside her.

“I can feel you beating in me,” she murmured.

Swamped by the sweet pain of her confession, Zach latched onto her mouth for sustenance, to anchor himself, to stop his world from spinning.

“And I can feel you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Tight and warm and wrapped around me.” Realizing he could be crushing her, he eased some of his weight off her without breaking contact, shifting to his side a bit. “You relished getting naked with me. Every time I touched you, you came for me.”

She shuddered. Her middle finger stroked his glistening bottom lip. “And you? For me?”

His cock jerked inside her. “God, yes, always for you.”

Tentatively she curved her hand behind his ear and tunneled all five fingers through his hair. God, she used to do that. Run her hands all over his hair, his neck, his nape.

His lids drifted shut. Her warm, gliding skin slid along his shoulders, her seeking fingers venturing down his damp back muscles. And he kept his eyes closed, shaken by the gift of her caress, because nothing, ever, had come close to the bliss of Paige loving him.

Only Paige could make a touch, a feathery kiss . . . Rock. His. World. Like this.

“You’re shaking.”

He swallowed thickly, his erection pulsing madly inside of her, his muscles taut and quivering for release. “No.”

“You are. Why are you shaking?”

He locked his arms more firmly around her, hating his body, hating that it wouldn’t stop vibrating. “I don’t know: you feel good.”

She set both hands on his chest and kissed his neck, his ear, his jaw. Sweetly. So sweetly. Her breath fanned out across his flesh, her lips moving softly, her tongue lapping at his sweat-coated flesh.

Into his ear, as she lay there, utterly still, utterly possessed, she breathed, “Move in me.”

He almost choked on his breath as he did— his orgasm there, there, threatening to splinter him to the bones.

He slid in deep, fighting the seductive pull of her inner muscles and the delicate torture of those fluttering hands.

He manacled her wrists and forced her arms above her head, ramming into her with mind-jarring force. She cried out, her legs tightening around his hips.

“Every little part of you that you disliked,” he said in a rumble, bending his head to take a good, hard look at her, “I will take with my mouth until you love it again.”

How did she feel? Seeing those beautiful marred legs, those beautiful thighs, those hips, abused and marked with her pain. He stroked the scar between their bodies, tenderly fingered its raised edges.

She responded with a mewl, not embarrassed now, but aroused by his touch, her sweet, juicy little sex muscles clenching and unclenching around his cock. Her skin was dewy with sweat, tendrils of hair clinging to her temples. She was tight, so wet, so hot, driving him so crazy. He thrust into her again. Both their moans tore into the silence, filling it with ecstasy.

Extracting himself from her and stretching up on one arm to gain leverage, he trailed one hand up the inside of her arm until their palms met. Their fingers laced. “I’ll lick every inch of you so you’ll know what I think of your body. There will be no doubt in your mind what I think of it, how sexy I think you are.” He ducked his head to her heaving breasts and roughly, hungrily, with lips and teeth and tongue, gorged on one puckered, red-swollen nipple.