With a noise of distress, she flattened against the wall, opening her hands behind her. Her eyes shone with lust and worry. “It’s just that I . . . I’ve never done this before.”

Zach planted his hands on the wall beside her, leaning in. “Do it with me now.”

DO IT WITH ME now . . .

A spasm shook her at that decadently provocative suggestion.

Her breasts throbbed, felt full and heavy, hurting. Hurting at his words, at the physical ache of wanting him, at the thought of having that bronzed, unyielding body inside of hers.

A warm moistness kept pooling between her legs. “Zach.”

Eyes alight with heat, he engulfed her face with large, dry palms, as though somehow he could hold her scrambling thoughts together.

“Zach what? What? Tell me.”

She could find no words to describe what she needed. She felt starved. Greedy.

Her stomach tumbled as he bent his head to hers. “Do you want to be touched?” he rasped. Their noses grazed, and he inhaled deeply. “Do you want to be kissed, baby?” The words he whispered as he aligned their mouths were the most erotic sound she remembered hearing. “Do you want Zach?”

“Oh God, yes.” She framed his face with quavering hands the same instant he swept down. They made a sound of craving and took each other’s mouths— and they went wild.

A fire ignited as their lips pressed. Their breaths met as they opened wide. His tongue plowed inside, swift and sure. She moaned from the taste of him, his cool, unique flavor flooding her senses.

His arms snaked around her waist, hands boldly cupping her buttocks and drawing her brusquely up against his length. “God, you’re so sweet. Feel so . . .” Heads slanted, their tongues sought, found, tangled. “So right.”

His fingers bit into her ass as he dragged his tongue across the seam of her open lips. His size dwarfed hers, his big shoulders hunched. Agonizing ecstasy ripped through her, and as she gave up her mouth to his passion, she knew not who he was, not who she was, but who he had been to her.

He’d been music, he’d been chocolate, he’d been beaches and puppies and treasure hunt stories and everything she adored.

She shuddered with emotion, slid her fingers into his silky black hair and greedily trailed her lips across his square jaw, her wheezing breaths puffing across his skin. “I want you,” she sobbed, “I’m dying with wanting you.”

He put breathing distance between them, and the hooded eyes and the heavy lids and the flare of his nostrils rendered him even sexier. “Get naked.”

She could only pant.

“Naked, Paige. For me. Now.”

Her heart froze with alarm. But he would see her. And he was so virile and magnificent, and she was so scarred and so . . . scarred.

Roughly, he hooked a hand into the waistband of her slacks, unsnapping them with two fingers while Paige, suddenly spurred to action, frantically turned around and undid the row of buttons of her shirt.

She braced her hands on the wall when he pulled her slacks down her hips, leaving her in her plain white pan ties. “All of you against all of me,” he said gruffly.


Paige jerked her arms out of her shirt, tossing the garment aside as he unhooked her bra. Her breasts tumbled free, and Zach cupped one globe with one hand and swept her hair aside with the other, heatedly kissing her nape. “Me inside you.”


“Fuck, come here.”

She shrieked in surprise when he scooped her up wearing nothing but her pan ties, and carried her to the bed, him in his jeans.

The mattress creaked as he climbed over and gently settled her on the bed. Propping up on one elbow, he took a long, thorough assessment of her nakedness. It took less than a second for his attention to catch on the slash cutting across her hips and abdomen; and it stayed there for a heart-stopping moment.

A ball of humiliation settled in her throat.

She didn’t know what crossed his mind as he absorbed the sight of her scars— the long gash across her hips, the dulled centipede slashes running up each of her thighs— but she knew if he stopped touching her she’d weep. She’d weep from the need for him; she burned from inside out, could feel her heart pulsing between her legs, her very soul screaming for closeness.