He’d barely remembered to slip a condom on, and wished he could take her without one. He wanted to feel her holding him, gripping him, flesh on flesh, and promised himself that one day soon he would do just that.

The tight, hot grip of her sheath was ecstasy itself. It fluttered around his cock as he worked inside her, stretching her, feeling her burn around him.

This was like no other experience he had ever had. It was like nothing he had ever known before. He wanted more. He wanted it to last forever. He wanted to come inside her, sate the hunger, and hold her close as he slept.

“Rick.” She cried his name, her lips moving over his shoulders, his neck, his jaw. “Oh God. It’s so good.”

It was too good. It was paradise. It was heat and life and he had no idea how he could ever survive without her now. He couldn’t imagine letting her go. Couldn’t imagine never touching her again. He couldn’t envision a day that he didn’t have her kiss, her laughter, or her smiles.

Or this. Her legs tight around his waist, her lips at his shoulder, teeth raking, nipping, as he thrust inside her, filling her with his cock. And when she came, she would bite him as she tried and failed to hold back her screams.

“Yeah,” he groaned, feeling her pussy clamp around his cock like a hot little vise, trying to hold him inside. “So sweet, baby. So sweet.”

Hannah cried out his name as he moved harder, faster, shafting into her with a hunger so desperate it shocked him, even now. It shocked him every time, the well of desperation, the aching need and satisfaction she could inspire inside him.

That need was tightening inside him now. Rick could feel the heated grip of her pussy intensifying around his dick as she grew closer to her own release. Her nails were digging into his arms as those sharp little teeth pressed into his shoulder.

God, she was going to come. He could feel the muscles of her pussy growing tighter around him, flexing, fluttering, until with a hoarse cry she gave in to the pleasure. Her teeth locked into his flesh, her body arched into him, thighs tightening, pussy milking him until he had no choice but to follow her over the edge.

His hand slapped against the shower wall as he fought for the strength to hold them both upright. His release pumped from him, sending lightning-hot surges of ecstasy racing from his balls to the base of his spine where they exploded in a feeling so intense it weakened his knees.

He became lost in her. He poured a part of his soul into hers, and swore he felt a part of hers enter him. They were locked together more than just physically. Something more bound them now, and that something more was so unfamiliar, and yet so satisfying, that he couldn’t fight it. He didn’t want to fight it. He wanted to stand there with this pleasure flowing between them forever.

And he might have, but the hot water began to grow cooler, warning him that soon their heated flesh would receive a chill they didn’t want.

Easing his drowsy lover to her feet, Rick supported her as he shut off the shower then disposed of his condom.

Pulling two fluffy towels from the towel holder outside the shower, he dried her off gently. He took his time to make certain the sheen of water was gone before he exposed her to the cooler air outside the shower. Wrapping her hair in another towel, he drew in a deep, satisfied breath as she leaned against the bathroom wall and watched as he dried himself off quickly.

“One fantasy down,” Hannah murmured, her gaze roaming his body as he pulled on clean jeans.

“A shower fantasy, huh?” Rick grinned. He couldn’t help grinning. Damn, but she made him happy. He hadn’t smiled in more years than he could remember.

“Well, I have to admit, you were definitely better than the fantasy, but yes. A shower fantasy.”

Hannah looked like a tempting pixie standing there teasing him with nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

Zipping his jeans, he reached for the heavy robe hanging behind the door when he suddenly froze, his gaze focusing on the cell phone he had laid on the bathroom counter.

Before Hannah could process what was going on, he plunged the bathroom into darkness, flipping off the lights and jerking her back, his hand over her lips in a warning to be silent.

“The alarm,” Rick whispered at her ear as he hurriedly began helping her into her robe. “Someone’s in the house.”

Hannah stared back at him in horror. Someone had managed to break into his house?

“Help will be on the way.” He pushed her farther back along the wall. “Stay here. Stay quiet.”

Help? On the way? He was depending on someone to get out here, from town, to help them? She looked at him, fighting the fear for him that was suddenly overwhelming her now.

She couldn’t lose him. She had just gotten him. She had fought for two years to make him see her, to finally find the emotion in his eyes that she had the past few days. And now, someone was going to try to take him away from her.

Hannah shook her head desperately. “I can help.” She kept her voice as low as possible. “I can use a gun, Rick. Don’t leave me here.”

She couldn’t handle the thought of it. That he would face danger alone.

“Stay.” Rick’s voice was hard, brutal, as he pushed her back into the shower stall. “Please, Hannah. Let me do this. Don’t let me lose you, baby.” He cupped her cheek, his eyes shadowed as he stared back at her. “Please, God. Don’t let me lose you now that I have you.”

She watched, her heart in her throat, fear racing through her system now, as he backed out of the shower and disappeared into the darkness.