“Rick wouldn’t be happy if that were true,” Mae stated. “He’d be damned guilt-ridden, Hannah. You’ll have a hell of a time getting past that guilt if it’s true.”

In other words, she could lose him. Hannah started to ask the other woman’s advice on how to keep that from happening when the door to the hallway opened and another man entered.

Shawn Grayson. Hannah barely recognized Rick’s older brother. He was the same height as Rick, the same dark blond hair, but his eyes were blue rather than golden brown, and his body leaner, not as broad or as commanding as Rick’s. He was also not nearly as likable.

He came to a stop as he saw her, his gaze filling with amusement.

“Hannah Brookes,” he murmured as he moved closer to her chair. “It’s been a while.”

“Hello, Shawn.” She nodded as he sat on the corner of Mae’s desk and gazed down at her.

“I hear you’re seeing our good sheriff.” He grinned. “Are you having fun?”

“That bit of information traveled fast,” she stated.

“Good gossip usually does.” He chuckled, his full lips curling good-naturedly before turning somber. “I hear you’ve had some trouble at the house, too? Is Rick checking that out?”

“Talk about supersonic speed.” Mae’s tone was caustic. “That piece of gossip really traveled.”

Shawn turned back with a mocking glare toward the secretary. “I’ve been home three days and everyone just loves filling me in on my little brother’s news.” He chuckled. “Whether I want to hear about it or not.”

“No doubt,” Mae harrumphed. “Do you need to see Rick or you just here to see what’s true and what’s not?”

He laughed at that, rising to his feet. “I just need a minute of his time, but it can wait.”

“Good,” Mae muttered. “He’s never in a happy mood after you visit.”

“Yeah, well, it’s how we get along,” he said, laughing, before turning back to Hannah. “Rick’s not always the most easygoing person in the world, you know. He drove Sienna crazy with his possessiveness.”

Now that was a surprise, because it wasn’t what she had heard over the years. Sienna had driven Rick crazy with her possessiveness and her refusal to settle down. Sienna hadn’t been the

home-and-hearth type.

“I’m sure I can handle him,” she assured him as Rick opened the door to his office and stepped out.

His expression lightened at the sight of his brother. “When did you get in?”

“A few days ago.” Shawn grinned back at him. “Just need a moment of your time if you don’t mind, bro. Then you can get back to your girlfriend.”

Rick nodded, winked at Hannah, and closed the door behind him after Shawn had gone in.

“Let’s hope he doesn’t piss Rick off.” Mae sighed. “Shawn has a habit of it.”

“Brothers.” Hannah laughed. “Mine manage to piss me off every chance they get.”

Mae smiled. “I have sisters, so I never had that problem.”

Despite Mae’s prediction, Rick was still smiling when he and his brother came out of Rick’s office. Shawn left with a final good-bye and Rick turned back to her, his brow lifting.


Hannah nodded as she rose from her chair.

“See you later, Hannah.” Mae smiled in farewell as they took off.

“That’s the first time I’ve seen Shawn in years,” Hannah commented as they moved along the hallway.

“He comes here a few times a year.” Rick shrugged. “Manages to stir everyone up then he leaves again.”