Ashley tried stepping out of his arms, grabbing her tube top as if she’d cover herself back up. Chase understood she needed to hear where they stood, create a foundation for what might develop between them from this point forward. He flipped her around, pushing her against the wall and grabbing her arms, preventing her from covering her breasts. Seeing her naked from the waist up, her full, round breasts absolutely perfect, and large puckered nipples creating a mouth-watering view damn near robbed him of his ability to tell her what she craved hearing.

And Chase didn’t take a woman without there being mutual understanding of where they stood beforehand. He sucked in a breath, forcing himself to meet her fiery gaze as he held her pinned against the wall.

“You’ve got a craving to solve a mystery, a fire inside you that rages anytime you feel someone is doing you wrong. You’re strong and gutsy.”

Ashley pursed her lip, her breathing coming harder the longer he kept her against the wall. Although there was no way she’d get loose until he decided to let her go, and he knew she knew that, she struggled more when he told her she was strong.

“You make it sound as if you were attracted to more than my body,” she purred, flashing her long lashes over her dark, enticing green eyes. “I can’t imagine an FBI man wanting a relationship, especially when he isn’t planning on sticking around.”

“You have no idea what I want,” he growled, stretching her arms along the wall as he moved in closer and bit her neck. “But you’re going to find out, my dear. I promise you.”

“Don’t play games with me,” she hissed, almost panting as she shifted her hips against him.

Chase’s cock grew so hard he ached to strip out of his clothes and throw her down right now. “This isn’t a game. But there are rules.”

Her bare breasts rubbed against his chest, and even though he still wore his shirt, her hard, puckered nipples scraped across his chest. Every ounce of blood in his brain drained straight to his cock. God help him if Ashley ever found out the power she could hold over him with that hot, sensual body of hers.

“Why do I get the feeling any rules you don’t like you’d break or change?” she whispered.

Chase dragged his tongue along the length of her collarbone, tasting her and craving more. He breathed in her soft, musky aroma and felt her soft, silky strands brush across his face. He wouldn’t be able to hold her here much longer before ripping the clothes off both of them and fucking her senseless. At this rate, he’d be the one unable to make sense. Ashley would lay down any rules and he’d agree to them in a minute. But as much as she claimed she didn’t want to be viewed as helpless, he doubted she’d be impressed with a man who wasn’t in control.

He dipped his head to her breast and lashed the nipple with his tongue. Her cry seared through him like a burning sword, tearing into his soul. Chase realized how hard he gripped her arms, more now to hold on than to keep her in place, and let go, running his fingers up her arms and over her shoulders. When he cupped her breasts, moving from one to the other and feasting like a man deprived for way too long, Ashley grabbed his head, tangling her fingers in his hair. She tugged, pulling his hair hard enough that he raised his head, barely able to focus.

“Remember, FBI man,” she whispered, the slightest of smiles appearing on her face. “I’m a cop. There are rules and you won’t break them.”

“Oh yeah?” He tried pulling her hands from his hair and she tugged harder, the pinch strong enough to almost make his eyes water.

“Oh yeah. I don’t submit in life and I sure as hell don’t submit when fucking a man,” she growled, and let go of his hair but moved her hands fast enough to pull out of his grip. Then shoving him with her hands against his chest, she pushed hard, exerting a fair amount of strength.

Chase allowed her to move him backward, holding on to her gaze. Her green eyes smoldered, her lips were parted, and her full, large breasts moved just enough to distract him when she shoved him to her couch.

Ashley straddled his lap when he sat in the middle of her couch. He reached between them, feeling how soft her flat tummy was. She was perfect, toned in all the right places yet not to the point where she wasn’t feminine. In her line of work, which was predominantly a man’s field, it was too easy for women to buff themselves out in an effort to fit in. The tougher they were, the more likely they were to nail the bad guy. Yet

Ashley held on to being a lady, sexy and so damned beautiful. But she didn’t hesitate to get tough when necessary. He never would have guessed he’d meet such a perfect package, and in his hometown.

She moved her hands around his, unbuttoning his jeans when he unzipped hers. Not once did she look away from him, or appear to go shy on him. He’d known when he kissed her last night she wanted him as badly as he wanted her, but knowing her craving matched his made his blood pressure soar dangerously high. Fire burned in his veins, the heat tightening his balls and creating a swelling that turned into a pressure as he throbbed, swollen and stiff and dying to be inside her.

“The only way these jeans are coming off, my dear,” he told her. “Is if my boots come off. And I can’t kick them off.”

When she tilted her head, giving the matter thought, a long strand of blond hair fell over her face. She blew it out of the way, her lips puckering and causing his dick to dance eagerly in his pants.

Ashley’s gaze shot to his, her dark green eyes growing wide. One corner of her mouth turned, her sly if not incredibly ornery grin showing him she liked seeing that she could control him with her actions. Some ways of being controlled might not be that bad.

“Take my boots off, Ashley.”

She licked her lips but then slid off his lap to the floor. Her unzipped jeans and tube top creating a belt around her waist looked so damn hot. Light from the floor lamp across from them reflected in her hair, showing off her red highlights. Her hair was tousled and her lips pouty when she knelt at his feet. The quick look she shot him told him he’d be wise not to comment on her kneeling before him.

“This is the only time I’m going to do this,” she muttered, yanking one boot off his foot and then reaching for the other.

“I’ve always been partial to my boots.” It was too hard not to tease her, not to mention how fucking hot as hell she looked kneeling on the floor, half-naked, her hair tousled, and her nipples so hard his mouth watered. “Watching you grip them is making me like them even more.”

She tugged the second boot, yanking it off his foot and then tossing it at his crotch, her smile and the glow in her eyes showing how willingly she would spar with him.

Chase dodged the boot and grabbed her, not caring when the boot fell off the couch with a loud thud. He dragged Ashley over his body and then turned, pressing her back against the couch and moving between her legs.

“My turn,” he drawled, yanking her jeans down her hips. “I’d never ask something of you that I wouldn’t do myself.”

“You aren’t kneeling at my feet,” she howled, coming up off the couch and pushing his shoulders.