“I thought I’d check and see how you were doing.” He ran his hand over his hair as he glanced around the house. “Can I come in?”

She seemed to think about the request way too long before she pulled back from the door and opened it wider.

Stepping into the house, he turned back to her, and watched as she closed the door and turned back to him hesitantly.

He could move against her right now, he thought.

Before he could stop himself, he was doing just that. Within a second her back was against the door, her palms against his chest as his heart began to race out of control.

“What are you trying to pull on me, Rick?” She was breathless, hungry.

He could feel the hunger between them as hot and brutally destructive as wildfire.

“The hell if I know.” His fingers flexed at her waist as he held her and admitted to himself that he couldn’t figure it out. “You make me crazy, Hannah, do you know that?”

He watched as the lush waves of her hair rippled against her shoulders as she shook her head.

“Yeah, I can tell.” Her tone was sarcastic. “You’re so attentive, Rick.”

He grimaced as he fought not to lower his lips to hers.

“Look, I came to see if you wanted to go out.” He didn’t want to go anywhere except her bedroom. “Dinner. Maybe some dancing.”

Her eyes narrowed on him as her breasts moved hard and fast against his chest. He swore he could feel the imprint of her nipples through their clothes.

“Dinner and dancing?” she asked slowly. “Are you going to speak to me while we’re out? Are you going to act like we’re not together and that I’ve forced you unwillingly out in public?”

She was pushing him, tempting him. There was a challenge and defiance in her gaze that had every muscle in his body tightening as his dick demanded action.

Too long. It had been too long since he’d been with a woman, that was all there was to it. That was what was causing this. It wasn’t the woman, it couldn’t be the woman. It was the need for a woman and the fact that he had been intrigued by Hannah for years.

“I’ll talk.” He forced the words past his lips. “We’ll dance.”

He moved against her, pulled her closer, or at least tried to pull her closer. She was already as close to him as he could get her.

“Kiss me, Hannah.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers, forcing back the tremors that wanted to attack his body at the thought of tasting her again.

“Rick.” Her lips parted against his.

She didn’t say no, though. She might not have said yes, but she didn’t say no.

His lips parted over her, his head slanting as he settled into a kiss that began to burn through his senses.

Oh hell yes.

Her arms curled around his neck as she lifted to him, her lips moved under his, her tongue stroked against his.

Sweet, burning flames engulfed his senses as he let himself sink into the fire, into Hannah. He needed this. God help him, he needed this kiss, this touch, her fingers in his hair, her belly rubbing against his erection.

He needed the touch of her like he needed air to breathe. If he could just touch her for a little while, taste her enough to sate his senses, then maybe the long, lonely nights he had known for far too long would cease to torment him.

Maybe he could fill a few of those long lonely nights with Hannah.

“Rick.” She whispered his name against his lips. The caress of it had his eyes closing as he fought to keep from taking what he needed from her.

Pulling back, he rested his head against hers, his eyes opening as he let a self-mocking smile tug at his lips.

“Come out with me,” he whispered. “Or I may not be able to leave without making a fool of myself.”