“Not yet,” he groaned. “Not yet, baby. Let me feel this. Let’s see how good it can feel.”

“I can’t stand more,” she protested weakly. She could feel her wetness coating his erection as she tried to move against him, to force him to finish it before he chained her body to his forever.

“God, you taste sweet,” he muttered, his lips leaving her breasts, stroking down her stomach, parting her thighs. She watched as he lowered his head to the damp curls between her thighs. “Do you taste sweeter here?”

He didn’t give her time to protest. Confident, hungry, his lips lowered to her clit, his tongue stroked it, and his groan, when it vibrated against her flesh, sent her senses reeling.

Her thighs fell further open, her hips lifted to him, and Emerson knew nothing had ever felt so good. He knew his way around a woman’s body. Knew where to lick, where to stroke, how to flick his tongue against her narrow opening. How to make her scream and make her beg for him to take her.

She saw a smile flash across his face, sexy, certain, before his lips covered her clit and he sucked it with slow, torturous draws of his mouth as his tongue flickered around it. Never in the right spot long enough, just enough to tease, to torment, to cause her to writhe and to plead but never enough to throw her over the edge.

“Macey, it’s too much,” she cried out, her fingers twining in his hair, holding him to her flesh rather than pulling him away as she should have been. “I can’t stand it.”

“Not enough,” he growled before he licked. “So sweet and hot, Emerson. I need more of you.”

“Please,” she panted. “I need you now. I can’t wait.”

“Just a few more minutes, baby,” he crooned before licking lower.

His hands cupped her ass, lifted her, and a low, ragged cry filled the air as he buried his tongue in her pussy.

Emerson felt herself unraveling. Everything she had held safe inside her came loose and streamed toward him. She had managed to keep her heart sheltered through the flirty confrontations that were more a result of sexual tension than actual enmity. But this, she couldn’t hold herself distant from this, from a pleasure that unlocked every shield she had placed around her emotions.

As his tongue thrust inside her, his groan vibrating against hidden tissue, she felt the explosion building inside her tighten further.

She couldn’t fight it. She arched to him, begging, pleading, pulling at his hair until he loosened her hands and eased them up to her breasts.

“Touch them for me,” he whispered as he lifted himself between her thighs and curled her fingers around her breasts. “Pleasure them for me, Emerson. Let me watch while I take you.”

She cupped the heavy flesh, her fingers stroking over her nipples as Macey quickly tore at the foil wrapper of the condom he had pulled from his jeans.

Sheathed, his hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer as he nudged the broad head of his cock against the slick entrance to her pussy.

“Don’t stop, baby, let me watch you play with your pretty breasts while I take you.”

The hard crest wedged inside her, stretching her, sending rivulets of burning pleasure radiating from the slight penetration.

“Ah, that’s a good girl,” he whispered, his voice heavy, his breathing as labored as her own. “So pretty, Em. So damned pretty.”

So erotic. Emerson stared back at him, working her nipples with her fingers, feeling the alternating sensations building inside her, burning through her nerve endings.

It was sexy, it was wicked, tempting him even as he worked the thick length of his erection inside her.

“Macey. It’s so good.” Her eyes closed, her fingers tightened on her nipples. It was too good, too intense, too much pleasure.

“So sweet.” His voice was rough as he worked himself deeper. “So sweet and tight. Hell, Em. You’re killing me.”

He pressed to the hilt. The head of his erection throbbed inside her, heated and heavy, iron hard, spiking the heat burning beneath her flesh now. She felt her womb clench and ripple. Her clit, pressed solidly against his pelvis, throbbed on the brink of release.

“Macey.” Trembling, she fought for the orgasm just out of reach.

“You make me lose my control,” he breathed out roughly. “God, Em, I want this to be good for you. So damned good for you.”

Shock shattered her. Had anyone ever cared if it was good for her? If she needed to come, or if she felt the same pleasure they did?

“It’s good. So good.” It was better than anything she had ever known.

His eyes narrowed on her then. “Oh baby, it’s about to get so much better.”