“I don’t want to push you, period, Joe.” She turned from him, bending to pick up her pajama bottoms before putting them on. “It’s not worth the heartache you can deliver. But I stopped believing in fairy tales two and a half years ago.” She turned back to him, fighting the need to believe him even as she doubted him. “Especially yours.”

She didn’t expect his sudden response. Joe always handled himself calmly. Coolly. He never lost control. Until that moment.

The change came over his expression so suddenly that Maggie had no chance to react. From one second to the next the easygoing facade was stripped. His dark eyes narrowed, the flesh along his cheekbones tightened, and he had vaulted onto the bed, crossing it in one step before he was in front of her.

Turning to run wasn’t really an option, but she tried anyway. With a squeak of alarm she turned and tried to jump for the safety of the bathroom, only to feel the manacle of his heavily muscled arm wrap around her waist as he pushed her against the wall.

“You stopped believing in my fucking fairy tales?” His voice was a hoarse snarl at her ear as she felt her heart rate increase, the blood suddenly thundering erratically through her veins. Not from fear. There was no fear as his hands literally ripped the T-shirt from her body and flung the scraps aside, all the while holding her in place as she struggled against him.

“Are you crazy?” she yelled out, more from shock than any other emotion. Where the hell had this Joe come from? She could feel the anger, the lust, and more. Some added edge to his touch that had her heart leaping in hope.

His hands were gentle despite their commanding strength, his body controlling her, even as it stroked against her. This was no act. She could feel it in his hands, in the sudden, dominant hunger blazing in the air around them.

“Believe in this fairy tale then, damn you,” he snarled at her ear as the straining length of his cock pressed into the crevice of her buttocks. “You want reality, by God? This is reality, Maggie. I can’t bear another woman’s touch, and knowing you slept in that bastard’s bed ate into my guts like fucking acid. My best goddamned friend, and all I wanted to do was slip into his bed and fuck his wife until she screamed my name and begged me for more. Is that enough reality for you?”

She was panting for him, in the space of seconds just as aroused, just as hungry for him as he obviously was for her. She could feel the pulsing, driving lust in the engorged length of his throbbing erection as he moved back, then spread her thighs further apart.

“You make me fucking crazy.”

One hard, desperate thrust filled her with his flesh, took her to her tiptoes, and had her crying out his name.

“Joe, please…”

“Yes,” he snapped, his voice thick with lust. “Joe. It’s Joe, Maggie. It’s Joe fucking you and it’s Joe that’s going to make you come. Come for me, baby. Oh God … Maggie.”

He stilled as she felt him inside her, bare, the latex barrier he normally wore no longer there.

“Shit. Oh hell, Maggie, you feel so fucking good.”

* * *

He was lost. Joe knew he was lost and there wasn’t a damned thing he could do about it. The bitterness and pain in her voice and her expression as she doubted the emotions that had tortured him for so long, had broken his control. Control he had built for his own sanity, control he had sworn he would never lose with Maggie.

But there he was, his dick buried full length inside her, as bare as hell, throbbing with the need to spurt his semen inside her. No condom. Some primal instinct inside him screamed out the denial as he clenched his teeth and fought to pull back, only to return in a thrust that ripped the breath from his body.

“Oh fuck, it’s so good,” he whispered at her ear as he held her hands to the wall, shifted his hips, and stroked the brutally tight tissue clasping him. “Maggie, baby. You’re so sweet and soft. So hot…”

He didn’t know how to let her go. He knew he should, he needed to. This was a risk he shouldn’t be taking, a risk he should have never allowed. But he couldn’t release her. God, he couldn’t let her go.

“Joe…” There was a sense of wonderment in her voice. The cynicism was stripped away, the doubt gone. Innocence filled her tone, the same innocence he had heard the night he took her virginity.

Hell, he had been just as shocked then as he was now by the sound of it. A woman nearly twenty-six years old should not be a virgin in this day and age. But Maggie had been. She had laughingly told him she was just waiting on a man who could do more than make her tingle. One who could make her desperate. And he made her desperate.

She made him desperate.

“It’s okay, baby.” He was panting with the effort not to come, not to fill her with the raging release drawing his balls tight. “Oh God, Maggie. Tell me it’s okay. Tell me it’s okay.”

He had to move. She was so silky soft, slick, tight, gripping him and moving with him as he moved in short, hard strokes that sent radiant pleasure racing down the shaft to clench in his scrotum. He was shaking, literally, with the pleasure tightening along his cock. It was agonizing, blistering, the most sensation he had ever known in his life.

“Joe, please … harder. Please.”

Her hips were twisting against him, her internal muscles milking him. Hell, it wasn’t as though she were the first woman he had taken without a condom. There had been others. A few. But it had never been like this. She was so slick, so tight, that the soft sucking sounds of their movements were killing him.

The effort not to come had him drawn on a rack of torturous pleasure. He was going to pull out, he assured himself. He was.

“Are you on … the pill? The pill, Maggie.” Please, God, let her be on the pill. Let her be protected.

She shook her head, even as her pussy tightened on him. His hips slammed against her, driving him in deep, hard, before he forced himself to stillness.