“I was wooing you,” he half snarled.

He was always like this after a mission, more dominant, so eager for her that he took her breath away.

“You call that wooing?” She was panting now. His hips shifted, pressing his cock against her eager entrance as she fought for that first hard thrust. “I could die an old maid waiting on you.” The next smack landed with burning force on her ass as she felt her womb contract almost violently.

A second later, her back arched as a hoarse scream tore from her throat. The full, heavy length of his cock surged inside the slick, tight confines of her vagina, triggering an explosive climax that left her shaking in reaction, shudders of pleasure vibrating through her entire body.

“Oh, you’re not done yet, baby.” He slid free of her, flipped her to her back, and lifted her legs as his head lowered.

His tongue attacked the sensitive folds with ravenous greed, licking around her straining clit as his murmurs of approval hummed against her flesh. Deep, penetrating thrusts of his tongue had her lifting her hips in supplication moments later, only to have him retreat to torture the burning nub above once again.

He was voracious. A sensual, sexual demon intent on draining her of every last vestige of resistance against him. Not that the resistance was anything more than feigned. She loved this side of him, provoked it often, and gloried in his possession of her.

She could feel her heart hammering against her chest as her hands lifted from the bed, her fingers moving for the aching tips of her breasts, knowing he was watching. It inflamed her all the more to know that she could push him over the edge, that she could make him as crazy with need as he made her.

He was her lover, her heart and her soul.

She pinched at her nipple as she heard him groan roughly, tugging at the tender points as her eyes opened, her gaze meeting his as his tongue circled her straining clit. He would make her come again, make her scream for him. He always did.

She could feel perspiration gathering on her body as the heat inside her began to build. Her muscles tensed, her breathing became broken whimpers of agonizing need until his mouth covered the erect little clit, his tongue flickering as he sucked it firmly.

She screamed for him as she exploded. Rocketing into the stars with a force that left her dizzy as she felt him thrust inside her, hard and deep, penetrating her to the very core before his hips began to move with furious thrusts.

It didn’t take him long. The need was too great; the absence had been too long. He pushed her into a final, exhausted orgasm before giving in to his own, groaning harshly as he buried inside her, his cock jerking in reflex as he spilled his semen in the gripping depths of her pussy.

Seconds later he collapsed beside her with an exhausted sigh, pulling her to his chest as they both fought to bring their breathing under control.

“I need coffee,” she muttered sleepily, burrowing close, her hand going to the scar on the right side of his chest.

The bullet he had taken there could have taken his life if it had been a few more inches toward the center. It had been a close call. A terrifying one, but she had survived it without recriminations. When he came home, she had babied him and loved him, and treasured every day she had with him after that. She vowed she would never waste their lives as her mother had hers.

“Coffee hussy,” he chuckled into her hair. “What do you do when I’m gone?”

She breathed out pitifully. “I suffer, Reno. It’s a tragic, horrible sight to witness. Poor Morganna even feels sorry for me.”

She shivered as his hands caressed her back, one running low to her hips before smoothing over her buttocks.

“You’re marrying me.” His voice suddenly hardened. “Notice, I’m not asking. I’m telling you.”

“I already proposed, big shot. You dropped the ball. Remember?”

He grunted at that. “Minx. The men are still laughing over that note you left. Don’t you know I’m fearless? I never hide.”

“Coward.” She yawned, unconcerned, nipping his chest as her lips closed. “Do you know how mad I got when I found that box? It’s a good thing you were getting ready to leave that day or I might have had to hurt you.”

He gripped a handful of hair, tugging her head back as she stared up at him, her legs smoothing across his as she felt his erection growing, pressing against her lower stomach.

“I love you, Raven,” he whispered then, his voice no longer filled with amusement, his gaze velvet soft as he watched her. “Forever.”

“You took a hell of a chance, Reno,” she whispered. “I didn’t know myself how much I loved you. What if I hadn’t realized?”

A smile curved his lips. “I would have fucked you into submission.”

She rolled her eyes, one hand pressing against his shoulder as though to push him away.

“Get serious.”

“Withheld the coffee?” he suggested darkly.