“Situation?” he asked warily.

“Situation, sir, of a very delicate sort.” The MP nodded, amusement dancing in his eyes. “This way, sir.”

As they neared the general’s office, a frown worked between Reno’s brows at the sound of an irate female voice.

“General, I don’t care how busy he is. You were my father’s best friend and I’m not above pulling strings. If I don’t see him before he leaves in the morning, I promise you, I’ll be making a visit to your wife, your daughter, and your son. They like me.” The voice was husky and filled with feminine fury.

He heard the general’s voice, low, soothing.

“I’m not in the Army, General,” she said. “I don’t need rules quoted to me. I need strings pulled. I want to see him. Now.”

A grin tugged at his mouth as the MP chuckled.

“She’s been ripping on the general for an hour,” he whispered as they neared the door. “Want to bet he chews on you next?”

Reno grimaced but something in his heart was loosening. He wouldn’t bet against the MP, but he would bet it just might be worth it.

He knocked on the door lightly.

“Enter.” The general’s voice was frustrated and clipped.

Reno stepped in, saluting smartly, then turned to stare at Raven.

She was cuddling the puppy he’d bought her like a baby. Her face was wet with tears, her deep, deep blue eyes filled with misery.

“Raven?” He stepped toward her, pulling her and the puppy into his arms as he stared back at the general. “What’s happened?”

“Major, I’ll leave you to talk to Miss McIntire.” The general sounded stern, but Reno caught the soft look he cast at Raven. “We’ll talk later.”

“Yes, sir.” Reno nodded as the general left the room and he turned his attention to the pup wiggling between them.

“Raven? Baby? The puppy is going to be smashed,” he whispered as he gripped her arms, pushing her back enough to release the wiggling little mass. “What’s wrong? Is Clint okay?”

The tears rolled silently down her cheeks. There were no sobs, just a hitch in her breath as she stared up at him.

“I forgot.” She hiccupped then. “You left, and I forgot to tell you.…”

She shuddered as her voice broke.

Reno moved to the couch, pulling her to his lap as she cuddled against his chest.

“I love you,” she cried desperately. “God help me, Reno. I don’t want to lose you. I can stand anything but you leaving, maybe being … hurt…,” her breath caught, “and not knowing I love you.”

Reno closed his eyes, his arms tightening around her, his heart exploding with joy. She knew she loved him. That was all that mattered.

“It’s okay, baby,” he groaned, kissing her forehead gently as her head tilted back, the wealth of long silken curls flowing over his arm. Her hand lifted to his face, her lips trembling as he wiped the tears from one silken cheek.

“You knew all along, didn’t you?” she whispered then. “That I loved you.”

“All along,” he agreed with a smile.

His lips lowered to hers, moving over the soft curves, nibbling at the damp softness as the feel and smell of her sent his senses rioting.

“Hell, if I fucked you in the general’s office, he would court-martial me for sure,” he sighed, smiling down at the seductive softness in her expression.

“Yeah. He probably would.” Her smile trembled, but it was still there.

“Wait for me, Raven,” he growled, his voice husky, deep, knowing every day away from her would be hell. “I’ll be home. Wait for me.”