“Does alive count?” Her voice was hushed, as soft as his. As though to speak any louder would somehow damage the intimacy enfolding them.

“I definitely want you alive.” He smiled at her, his fingers stroking down her bare arm as her head lay on the pillow of his other arm.

She was relaxed, soft against him. Like a lazy little cat. All that was missing was the purr.

“This is nice,” she murmured, turning to stare up at him, flowing against him like silk. “You’re very hard-core, aren’t you, Noah?”

He grunted at that. “You call that hard-core? Baby, that was just a little snack. Playtime.”

He grinned as her eyes widened in playful surprise.

“I might not survive it if you get serious then.” Her lips pursed at the thought. “Maybe I should double up on my vitamins?”

He nipped the tip of her nose, almost laughing at her expression as he stroked his fingers along her hip.

“Very bad girl,” he warned her. “You could end up getting spanked.”

“But I like getting spanked.” She looked up at him from the corners of her eyes. “You’re all threat, I—” She broke off.

God! She pushed her fingers roughly through her hair. She had almost called him “Irish.” Almost let her knowledge of who he was slip past her lips.

“You what?” Noah grinned, pulling back.

Her expression seemed to even out, a rueful smile pulling at her lips. “I think you’re all talk.”

His eyes narrowed. “I could say different.”

“Tonight?” She laughed, a low, lazy sound. “Let’s go home first. The bed is more comfortable.”

Home. He paused as he stared down at her.

“Home, huh?”

Her gaze flickered as though some uncomfortable thought had suddenly invaded her mind. A reminder that it wasn’t his home maybe?

He was the other man. The man holding her, fucking her, while her heart belonged to the man he had been. Fuck, he was going to have to stop this. He could finish the long, slow slide into insanity if he continued to let himself be jealous of . . . himself.

“Back to the house.” She finally shrugged. “Home is only

where you want to be, I guess. If you prefer the bed at the apartment, then that’s your choice.”

She lifted away from him, gathered her clothes from the floor of the truck, and began dressing.

“I hurt you. I didn’t mean to.” He frowned at her back. Shit. He needed to get a handle on himself.

“How long do you intend to stick around, Noah?”

The question surprised him. Noah narrowed his eyes at her, aware that she was deliberately keeping her back to him.

“Do you want me to leave?”

An irritated little sniff sounded through the cab of the truck. Feminine. Filled with ire.

“Did I ask you to leave? Perhaps I’m just curious if you intend to stick around or if you have other plans anytime soon.” There was a tension in her voice that had his body tightening.

“Other plans, such as what?”

“Such as leaving.” She shrugged. “You blew into town from nowhere. Took over my life and my bed. Perhaps I’d just like to know if you’re considering more than a few one-night stands?”