When nothing else was said he set his cup in the sink and leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest and staring back at her silently, thoughtfully.

“What?” she finally asked, the tension tightening around them like a noose.

His lips twitched. “It’s not going to work, you know. You can fight this as hard as you want to, Sabella, but it’s not over.”

“It’s over.”

He shook his head. “I’m heading to the apartment. I have to change clothes. I have to run an errand this evening, but I’ll be back later tonight.”

“Not here, you won’t be.”

He gave her a look that almost had her shaking in her boots. Almost.

Sabella crossed her arms over her breasts and glared back at him, wishing she could ignore the flicker of lust in his gaze.

Finally, the corner of his lips tilted, just enough to cause her nostrils to flare and the challenge to ignite inside her.

“I’ll see you this evening,” he stated before striding across the kitchen, passing her, and then leaving the house.

Sabella gritted her teeth then followed him.

Rory must have returned her car sometime the night before. Rory’s truck was gone and that damned Noah was heading down the small rise to the garage, long legs eating the distance as she locked the door behind her and stomped to her car.

He beat her to the garage. But so had Rory.

Smiling tightly, she strode into the office, closed both doors softly and faced her brother-in-law.

His head had lifted from the papers he had been going over. His blue eyes studied her warily, his broad, roughly hewn face smoothing out in an attempt at a neutral expression.

“You’re just not as good at that as your brother was,” she told him softly, remembering well how Nathan would look at her with that look of male superiority when he knew she was angry with him.

“Good at what?” He cleared his throat.

Sabella leaned against the door and watched him closely.

“That look,” she told him. “The one that dares anyone to question anything you’ve done. Nathan had it down to a very fine art. You need to practice it a bit more.”

Amusement might have flickered on his face. He reached up and scratched his cheek, the short sleeves of his work shirt stretching over his biceps.

“You’re mad at me,” he finally said.

He glanced to the door leading the apartment.

“He can’t help you,” she stated softly as she smiled back at him coolly. “Did the two of you really think you could pull over on me anything you wanted to?”

The door to the apartment opened and Noah stepped into the office. He’d changed clothes. Damned fast work he’d made of it too.

“Rory, you’ll need to run into Odessa to get those parts,” Noah told him, looking at Rory. “This morning.”

Rory rose from his chair.

“Don’t even consider it,” Sabella warned him softly.

Rory grimaced, swallowed. He looked from her to Noah then eased back down in the chair. Good. He’d chosen the right side.

“Who owns this garage?” she asked him then.

Rory scratched his cheek again, cleared his throat, and glanced between her and Noah as if he were the innocent party caught in the middle. Innocent, her ass. The two of them were up to something and she knew it. “We do?”