No sheriff to stop them now.

His hands lowered to her top. She wasn’t wearing a bra beneath the loose T-shirt. Her pretty breasts were unbound, nipples hard and hot. And he wanted to taste. Needed to taste.

Sabella moaned, cried out at the sensations racing through her body. They were wicked, carnal, so intense she couldn’t think, didn’t want to think. The rasp of his beard was a dark pleasure, his kiss like a potent wine. He made her head spin, sent her senses reeling and her heart hammering in her chest.

And she needed more. She needed his touch. As his hands slid beneath her T-shirt she pressed closer, begging silently for his callused palms against her nipples, because she needed now as she never had. As she had only needed with one man, and the need now was brighter, stronger, and dug its claws deeper inside her.

She wanted Noah Blake more than she could ever remember needing her own husband.

Fear sliced through her. Shock. Fury. Fury at herself as well as Noah.

It took everything she had, every measure of inner strength, to jerk back and force him to release her, to jump from the counter and stumble away from him.

“This is what I should know not to do.” She placed several feet between them. “This is exactly what I don’t need. Now, please, just get the hell away from me. Just go, before I end up doing something we’ll both end up regretting.”

Noah stared back at her for long moments. He could have her, so easily. Touch her, hold her, ease some of that pain in her eyes. And he wanted to, needed to.

God help him, what had he done to his wife? She was standing before him, staring at him as though he were her destruction rather than a man she ached for, longed for. And he could see the guilt in her. The guilt that another man could make her respond, that another man could touch her as only he, her husband, had done.

And added to that was his own damned jealousy. The parts of him that had been Nathan hadn’t died as thoroughly as he had thought they had. The man that was Noah, darker, more dominant, more arrogant, hated the man he had been as Nathan. Because it was Nathan she ached for. And it was Noah who was left living to hunger for her.

“I’ll see you at the garage in the morning,” he finally told her, shaking his head at his own thoughts as he turned and left the house.

Tortured. His dick was pounding and the pulse of lust in his blood was like fire in his veins.


Sabella dragged herself out of the bed and stumbled to the shower the next morning. By the time she made it to the kitchen and the pot of coffee waiting on her, thanks to the timer, she wondered if she would ever force her eyes open enough to actually make the breakfast date she had arranged last night with Sienna Grayson, the sheriff’s wife, and Kira Richards.

Ian Richards had been Nathan’s best friend. His marriage several years before to socialite Kira Porter had been a surprise to the small community. The fact that they still returned each summer to the house Ian had kept since he lived in Alpine with his mother was even more surprising.

They’d become friends over the years, though only in the past year had Sienna been able to join their breakfast dates. Sienna did not like getting up early.

This morning, Sabella well understood the feeling.

She felt flayed by the dreams that had tormented her the night before. Duncan’s accusation, Nathan’s wild blue eyes staring at her in love, in pain. And Noah, reaching out for her, but he had Nathan’s eyes, and Nathan’s voice. They were more vivid, more terrifying, than the past dreams had been. Or perhaps they just seemed more vivid because of the short break she had been given.

As she pulled her car into the Richardses’ driveway, she breathed out a hard breath as she glimpsed Ian’s tan-colored Jeep sitting in the driveway. The Richardses lived in a sprawling single-story ranch in the National Park area. Surrounded by cliffs and pine, this area’s stark, desolate beauty always managed to steal her breath.

Sienna pulled in behind her.

“It should be illegal to get up this early, Sabella,” Sienna stated as they got out of their vehicles. “I should have Rick arrest you.”

Sabella stared at her friend closely. Despite the perfect makeup, Sienna had dark circles under hazel-green eyes and an edge of worry at her brow.

“I have to work this afternoon,” Sabella told her. “Morning is the only time I could get away.” She frowned as she gave her friend a quick hug and felt that Sienna had lost weight in the past weeks. “Are you doing okay?”

“Me?” Sienna gave her tired smile. “I’m fine. Rick’s been busy and you know how grouchy he gets when he can’t solve a case. Those deaths a few months back are driving him crazy.”

“The Black Collar Militia,” Sabella muttered. “Bastards. I knew that girl they killed.”

“She was an FBI agent.” Sienna sighed as they walked to the house. “I couldn’t believe it when I read that in the newspaper. Of course, Rick had known, but he hadn’t told me.”

Sabella knew Sienna had raged at Rick for years because he refused to tell her about the cases he worked, or when he was close to breaking a case. There were times Sabella knew it strained their relationship.

“He’s not allowed to tell you, Sienna,” Sabella pointed out gently. “Just as Nathan couldn’t tell me about his missions.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t have to live with Nathan while he was on a mission.” Sienna snorted. “Some nights, he doesn’t even come home,” she said softly, sadly. “I hate it when he does that.”