He straightened, his hands running over the curves of her butt, up her back, curled around her until the tips of her breasts rasped against his chest hair.

She loved that thin sexy growth of curls. Loved the heat and the caress of it against her skin. She shivered, a moan passing her lips at the need that welled inside her. Tipping her head back, she luxuriated in the stroke of his lips over her neck, against the bruises on her face.

“I love you, Bella,” he whispered at her ear, and wrung a cry from her throat as she held on to him, tried to pull him beneath her skin, or burrow beneath his. Which she wasn’t certain.

“My husband.” Her arms wrapped around his neck as his lips took the kiss they both craved.

It was intense, driving, primal, and hungry as he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom. It was a kiss that wiped the past away and left only the future, the present. It was a kiss that tore past boundaries. It was a kiss that opened them both to all the emotions that swirled unchecked between them.

The darkness. Hungers as yet untapped. Eighteen months of brutal memories and dark fantasies. Years of aching loss, and the memory of tender love.

It swirled between them, rocked them, fed the lust surging and gripping until they were eating at each other as Noah fell to the bed with her. Lips and tongues, teeth and hands, they were consuming, hungry, desperate.

They needed. The stark, vicious pain that had consumed her when she thought he wasn’t returning to her still blazed through her soul. The thankfulness, love, the sheer brutal desperation for this one man, back in her arms, drove her.

Drove her until she was sobbing. Until she was holding him, passion edging into such an intensity of emotion that she could let it free. Sob against his chest as she kissed him, loved him, whispered her need.

“Ah Bella.” And he held her. His voice was thick with the same emotion as his arms tightened around her. “Never again, my love. I swear it. Never again. I won’t let you go again.”

She hit his chest. His shoulder. Struck out first in rage, then in need.

“Baby, you gotta stop hitting me.” He gripped her wrists and stretched them above her head as he came over her. “Hitting’s against the rules.”

“So is dying,” she cried. “If you can die on me, then I can hit you when you come back.”

His lips quirked. “If you won’t hit any more, I won’t die any more.”

“Don’t joke about it,” she gasped, fear almost paralyzing her. “Don’t you dare joke about it.”

He kissed her chin.

“I’ll make you forget about it.”

His lips moved over her collarbone, like rough silk, a caress that shouldn’t have stolen her mind, but it did. It moved through her. It sent flames racing across her flesh and had her stretching, arching closer, as his lips lowered.

His lips covered a nipple. Sucked it inside his mouth and electric heat shot to her clit. Sabella gasped, arched. She felt his moan vibrate on the tender peak, and her gaze shimmered from the waves of excessive heat rising inside her.

“Oh. I like that.” She strained against the hold he

had on her wrists. “Oh yes, Noah. Just like that. It feels so good. So good.”

He was working her nipple in his mouth, his tongue rasping, his teeth scraping around it as he consumed her, devoured her.

“I want to taste your candy, Sabella,” he breathed, moving down her abdomen. “All that sweet sugar building on your pussy. I love your pussy. I could eat you for hours. Make a fucking meal of you.”

He released her wrists and his head moved between her thighs, his tongue raking through the narrow slit and gathering her juices to it.

He licked, sucked, probed with his tongue and filled her with his fingers. She writhed beneath him, twisted, hungry, desperate as he moved again.

“Stay there.”

She stayed, watching as he went to the leather bag he had brought here days ago and left beneath the side table.

He grinned as he picked it up, opened it, and withdrew a small bottle of lubrication.

Sabella’s breathing picked up. She knew what was coming. She could feel it. Her butt clenched in anticipation and in excitement.

“Roll over,” he ordered her.