His code name, the mission code name, and the source they were after. That source was Sienna, and killing a woman wasn’t a preferred action, but what he had seen in that cavern wasn’t a woman. It was a disease.

“Wild card move and secure ladybird.” Reno’s command came through the earpiece. “All sources in place and pulling from your position.”

“Go.” Nik slapped him on the back, picked up his own weapon and moved out.

Staying under cover wouldn’t be easy. He had to work his way through the shallow gully back to the canyon and then along the cliff wall without being seen. The point was to keep the majority of the militia in the field as a few took out the command center.

Jordan and Noah were the few, and Jordan was running behind.

“Wild card, eye in the sky has you,” Tehya said into the link. “You have two bogies coming up, thirty-five meters to your left, twenty-two to your right. Proceed with caution.”

Noah stayed down, using the vocal directions Tehya laid out as the background chatter and directions given by Reno and Clint pounded in his brain.

“Cycle one down,” Clint reported, his voice filled with glee despite the quiet nature of his voice.

Noah slid out of the ravine under cover of the pine and juniper growing along the bank. The bogies were behind him. On his stomach, he crawled the distance to the next pass, making certain to keep covered.

Once he reached the cliff face he was on his feet, crouched and working his way behind the cover of boulders, trees.

“Bogie in the cliff,” Tehya reported. “I have heat across the canyon, positioned to spy your direction. Use extreme prejudice if needed.”

Kill if needed.

Not yet. He wanted everyone in that cave nice and complacent.

“I need distraction,” he murmured.

There was silence on the line.

“Distraction coming in.” Micah’s voice came across the line. “Be ready to move.”

There was a flash of movement at the mouth of the canyon.

Noah watched as the sentry turned, shifting position and allowing Noah to slip into the mouth of the cave.

“Insertion achieved.” Tehya reported his position to the group.

“Clint, twelve meters to your left, duck and cover,” Kira directed. “Ian, slide that hot ass of yours out of the way, you have a bogie moving in.”

“Hot ass?” Reno’s voice was muffled amusement. “New code name?”

There was muffled laughter in his ear as Noah edged through the narrow entrance and into the natural hall that had been carved through the inside of the cliff.

The contacts adjusted slowly as he made his way toward the command center. He could hear the radio squawking, reports coming in. Like the team Noah was with, each man in the militia hunting party was wearing a personal communications device.

They were tracking two “prey.” Whooping and yelling when they disappeared then cackling in glee as they reappeared.

“They’re giving us a run, boys,” the judge yelled in fanatical pleasure. “Woo-wee. We’re gonna run their asses down.”

“This is taking too long,” Sienna bitched, her voice strident and filled with displeasure. “Gaylen said it would go fast and we could have fun.”

Mike laughed at her statement, but Noah could hear the nervousness in it.

“They usually catch one of them by now,” Sienna snapped. “Come on, Mike. Just hold her down. I won’t hurt her too bad, I promise. I’ll just show her how good I can be.”

There was a whine in Sienna’s voice.

“She doesn’t look so agreeable.” But there was lust in Mike’s voice. “If I do that, Sienna, you gotta help me hold her mouth open while I come in it.”