Lights exploded in front of her eyes again, the agony of the other woman’s fist to her cheek sending screaming, white-hot pain lancing through her body.

But Sienna jumped from the bed and flounced off to Mike. He was laughing. He pulled the other woman to him and stroked her hair, kissing her abused cheek.

“My poor little slut,” he crooned. “It’s okay. When we’re done with her, you can blow all of us. Suck her blood right from our dicks.”

And Sabella saw the little shudder of pleasure that whipped through Sienna. God. She was insane. Somewhere, somehow, Sabella had missed the fact that the woman pretending to be her best friend was certifiable. It was no wonder Nathan had never seemed to like the idea of their friendship.

She inhaled roughly, tasted the blood in her mouth again, and forced back the sickness rising inside her. Noah would come back. And when he did, he’d make certain tonight was no more than an unpleasant memory.


They didn’t take him far from the canyon for the hunt to start. The militia members were masked, and they brought him a running buddy. How nice of them.

Chuck Leon had seen better days, no doubt. His face was swollen, his leg had a tourniquet tied around it. Hell, he’d have to take care of this before he returned to the canyon.

“What kind of shape are you in?” he asked the other man as they stood in the middle of a small valley.

Noah looked around. It was bisected by a stream and several deep gullies. He hadn’t seen the other members of the team yet, but with the militia wearing night vision, he knew he wouldn’t.

Cottonwood and pines grew strategically, thick in areas, thin in others.

“Bad shape.” Chuck shifted on his good leg. “They always hunt more than one. They like a quick kill and a challenge. I guess I’m the quick kill, huh?”

There was fight left in him though. His hazel eyes glittered with anger.

“Piece of advice,” Noah told him quietly. “Get rid of the mad. Use your head and watch your ass.”

Chuck shook his head. “We’re going to be sitting ducks out here.”

Noah didn’t say anything more. He watched as other vehicles moved in. There were a dozen vehicles, more than double that in men. A small group. They hadn’t branched out to let anyone into their little pack that they didn’t implicitly trust.

“Do you have a plan?” Chuck grimaced as Noah bent and checked the tourniquet on the other man’s leg.

“I always have a plan.”

“Mind letting me in on it?”

Noah grunted. He didn’t trust anyone with Sabella’s life, especially an unknown agent.

“Head for the gully, jump in, and run north.” One of the team would be close enough to pull him out. “You might live.”

The agent stared at him in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right?”

He stared back at Chuck coldly. “Do I look like I’m kidding?”

“Jesus.” Chuck tunneled his hands through his hair. “Okay. Hit the gully and go north.”

“And don’t stop. This gully runs into another gully and then heads to the main road. If you’re not stopped, just keep truckin’.”

The team might let him pass and head to town for help. Hell if Noah knew what they would do. But he had seen the brush moving, waving a little too hard for the wind blowing through the valley, at the edge of the ravine. There was another sign of the Elite unit in the gully that headed back toward the canyon Sabella was being held in.

That was where Noah intended to head. Let the bastards think he and Chuck were going to make it easy for them. The team would play with them until Noah could get to Sabella and get her out of there. Once she was safe, Noah was going hunting himself.

“Looks like they’re all here.” Chuck’s voice was resigned, but it vibrated with determination now.

He was young, but he was game. Noah nodded as Gaylen Patrick got out of the powerful four-by-four he was in. Night-vision goggles covered his eyes. High-tech rednecks, he thought mockingly.