His kiss was long and slow now. His eyes open as she stared back at him.

“Hmm. That was a surprise.” She smiled as he moved back from her, her breath catching at the feel of his cock sliding from her body, tugging at the oversensitive tissue, before he lifted her and set her back on her feet. “I’m supposed to walk now?”

She smoothed her hand over his chest as he bent his head and stole another kiss.

He flashed her a grin as he finally pulled back and readjusted his jeans.

Sabella made a quick trip to the bathroom, and when she returned it was to find him sipping his coffee and staring down at the garage from the wide kitchen window.

“You were up early this morning,” she said as she turned the stove back on and went back to her biscuits.

“Needed to shower and get some clean clothes.” His voice was distant now. “I didn’t expect you to be up yet.” There was a question in his voice.

Sabella grimaced. “Doctor’s appointment I forgot about this morning. And I can’t miss it.” She turned back to him with a frown. “If I don’t make that appointment then you don’t get to have any fun.”

His lips tugged into a rueful smile. “I’ll send Rory with you. I don’t want you going alone.”

“Sienna usually goes with me.” She shrugged at his demand. “But you can send Rory. I’ll just meet her there.”

The flu that had kept her in bed for nearly two weeks the month before had had her doctor worried. She hadn’t bounced back as she should have. At least not before Noah returned. But the follow-up coincided with the birth control shots she needed to keep her system regular.

“I’ll send Rory too. He can drive you.”

She nodded at that. “Everything going okay?” she finally asked, knowing Delbert Ransome’s release yesterday worried him.

“So far.” He swiped his hand through his hair, feathering the long, thick raven-black strands around his roguish face.

God, he made her heart beat faster. She’d just had him, and she wanted nothing more than to take him again.

She nodded when he didn’t say anything more. Conversation after that was quiet. They talked about the garage, parts needed, and the business that was now flowing back to them.

They argued over new equipment she wanted to buy. Advanced computers for the new chips coming out and the classes she had signed up for in Odessa. The pros and cons to each move she wanted to make in the business.

As they talked, Noah realized in one heart-stopping moment just how perfect Sabella had been for him all along. The fact that he hadn’t realized that six years before still had the power to rip into his guts.

The mistakes he had made since his rescue piled atop him, one after the other. He should never have hid from her, what the hell had he been thinking? As long as he didn’t face her, didn’t face the consequences of his decision, then he’d been able to remain strong.

It had been all about his stupid fucking pride though. Not being the man he had been, fearing her rejection in the face of it. He’d been a fucking fool and now there was no way out.

He could just imagine her face if he said, oh yeah, by the way, baby, I’m your husband. You know, the one that died? The one that wouldn’t come back to you for six fucking years. Yeah, she’d accept that easily enough.


This Sabella would rip his eyes out of his sockets and shoot him with his own gun. Before she divorced him. Because she couldn’t forget the man he had been. The one whose ring she was wearing, even now, on her marriage finger. The one whose pictures graced damned near every surface of the living room.

Shit. The anger tore through him as she showered and dressed for that damned doctor’s appointment. He didn’t want to let her out of his sight.

He strode furiously to the phone and called Rory, pulling him in to take her to the doctor when Noah wanted to go with her himself.

He couldn’t risk being off site when this mission went nuclear. And if they acted out of habit, then suspicion would rise against Bella. Rory had taken her to the doctor before, Noah knew. She rarely went alone. Sabella hated doctors and she hated waiting in the doctor’s office alone. She and Sienna had often gone with each other, then gone shopping for lunch afterward. After Nathan’s “death,” he knew Rory had tagged along many times, often bullying her gently into doing the things she used to do with Sienna.

“There’s my babysitter.” Sabella grinned as she stepped into the kitchen later to find Rory with Noah. “Who’s watching my garage?”

“Toby and Nik,” Rory grunted. “That kid is turning into a damned maniac. Thinks he owns part of it or something.”

“He’s learning.” She shrugged as she adjusted the lowrise band of her jeans and slid her feet into a pair of sandals. “Toby has a good head on his shoulders, and if we manage to keep him another year, we’ll be lucky.”

Rory grimaced. It was something Noah had acknowledged as well. Toby would move on. The little shit would probably end up taking over the world before he was done.