“I’d rain hell on someone if anything happened to you, Sabella,” he whispered, staring down at her, feeling a surge of emotion escaping that tight hold he’d tried to keep on it before. It was building inside him, threatening to tear free, and he couldn’t let it. Couldn’t allow it. “I’d lose the final shreds of sanity I’ve managed to hold on to, sweetheart. And neither of us wants that.”

Her fingers tangled in his hair as she softened beneath him, and he couldn’t help but taste her lips. Lips so sweet and swollen from his kisses throughout the night. Lips that melted beneath his and burned him with passion. Lips that nearly drove every thought from his mind but the erection pulsing between his legs.

“God, you burn my brains.” He moved back from her, plowing his fingers through his hair as he jerked his boxers and jeans from the floor.

He dragged them over his legs as she sat up and watched him with hot, slumberous gray eyes. He tucked the unruly flesh beneath the cotton and denim and eased the zipper up slowly as she grinned.

“Seems a shame to waste it,” she said as she slipped from the bed, proudly naked.

Noah swore he lost all the spit in his mouth as she strode from the bed. The curve of her ass tempted him. The bare pink flesh between her thighs, those high, proud breasts and tight, flushed nipples. Damn. He needed to fuck her just as bad as he had the first time he took her.

“I’m going to shower,” she stated.

He groaned. “I’m getting my ass down to the apartment. Call me before you come down, so I can watch for you.”

“I’ll call.” She closed the door behind him as he forced himself to finish dressing.

Grabbing the cell phone, he hit Nik’s number and waited.

“Yeah.” Nik sounded wide awake.

“Where are you?”

“The apartment. Waited on your ass all night and you never showed up.”

Noah grunted at the amused statement. “I’m heading that way. I need you to stand watch on the house while I shower. Then we’ll talk.”

“Gotcha.” Nik disconnected, as did Noah.

He dragged his boots on, then slung his chaps over his shoulder with a grin as he remembered the look on her face when she had sucked him, his cock spearing out from his jeans, his legs in those chaps. She’d damned near melted for him.

He gave his head a hard shake as he moved down the stairs and grabbed his shirt from the floor, pulling it on. He found his jacket, his vest, and laid them with the chaps on the chair by the door.

He checked the house out just to be on the safe side. Moved back upstairs, checked the spare room and bathroom then returned to the front door.

He grabbed his leathers and stepped out, locking the door carefully behind him before moving to the Harley. He checked it out, then checked out Sabella’s little BMW, to be sure.

Everything was clean.

He stared around the area and breathed out roughly. Delbert Ransome was a rat, he’d squeal high and hard once the feds put the screws to his ass, and they’d have the members of the Black Collar Militia, and the wild card. The man providing them information on the investigations that had come through.

They had suspected Rick Grayson for a while, but the information Noah had glimpsed in that file said otherwise. What he knew about Rick told Noah otherwise. The man had dreamed of being the local sheriff when he was a teenager. He wouldn’t have turned on his badge.

That left someone in the local police department. Someone had revealed the three federal agents, especially the young woman posing as a local college student. No one should have known about her. No one.

As he pulled the Harley behind the garage Nik was coming down the stairs. He positioned himself in a hidden corner at the side of the building where he’d have a clear view of the house, but the cottonwood tree and the tall yucca plants almost hid him from view.

Damned Russian Viking. He was too fucking big to try to hide much of anywhere.

Shaking his head Noah strode quickly up the stairs and headed for the shower. Delbert’s truck wasn’t at the garage, but the second word hit on the arrest, the gossip would start. It would build like a damned bonfire. It was the fallout Noah had to watch for. The fallout that could possibly ricochet back to Sabella. And that he couldn’t allow.

That afternoon, Sabella walked down to the garage. Dressed in jeans and a sleeveless T-shirt, another of Nathan’s old work shirts as an overshirt, she strode into the garage and pulled the roster from the mechanics’ table.

Her gaze found Noah where he was bent beneath the hood of a late-model sedan. He wasn’t as interested in the motor though as he was in the vehicles pulling into the gas pumps and the citizens moving into the convenience center.

Rory was manning pumps, laughing and chatting as he pumped gas. Toby was in the convenience center, and by all appearances keeping steady business.

News had hit of the arrest of Delbert Ransome in the gruesome deaths of a young Mexican couple. DNA taken from his truck was reputed to be suspected as matching that of the husband of the couple. According to the news report droning on the television, Ransome would have had to have run over the body several times for the physical evidence to have lodged where it was reported to have been found.