Kira’s lips quirked as she nodded. “I’ll follow you,” she decided. “You know, Sabella, I have a feeling you’re a hell of a lot more perceptive than Ian or Noah wants to admit to. That could make our men uncomfortable.”

“Serves them right.” Sabella laughed, though she gritted her teeth at the thought moments later.

Finding out exactly why those two men were lying their asses off to her was her objective. And if she didn’t find out on her own soon, then she was going to be bashing one dominating, overly possessive, lying Navy SEAL. And she was going to do it with the flat side of her black iron skillet.


“We have trouble.” Nik spoke as he eased up to Noah where he stood in the wide entrance to the garage, staring up at the house on the hill, his eyes narrowed, jaw bunched.

Kira Richards had driven in behind Sabella an hour before. The two women had carried several grocery bags into the house and he hadn’t seen them since.

Sabella hadn’t come down to collect the deposit for the bank. She had called and told Rory to take care of it for her, and she hadn’t even asked to talk to him.

“What’s the trouble?” Noah asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the house, willing Sabella to step outside.

“Micah reported in a few minutes ago. He hung around town after she left with Ian’s wife. He saw Mike Conrad go into the spa, pull their masseuses and techs aside. From what Micah saw from out back, the man was questioning them pretty heavily.”

Noah flicked him a look. “He didn’t find out anything.”

Sabella didn’t know enough to be a danger to them, but it wouldn’t matter what she knew, she would have never discussed it.

“Probably not,” Nik agreed. “Point is, he’s suspicious. It could come back on her.” He nodded to the house, indicating Sabella.

“Then he’ll die.” Noah turned back to Nik, icy resolve burning inside him as he met the Russian’s gaze.

Nik nodded slowly, his pale face as cold, as bleak as death. And Noah knew he was remembering his own lost family and the lengths he would have gone to protect them.

“I’ll be at your back,” Nik told him then. “No doubt, Noah Blake, I’ll be at your back.”

Nik turned and reentered the garage, and Noah stayed in place, and watched the house. Wondered what the hell Sabella and Kira were up to.

“Toby, Nik will drive you home,” he yelled back to the office. “Get ready to roll.”

He looked at the clock. It was nearly seven, almost closing time. And Sabella had been to the spa. For hours. He remembered those all-day spa trips. And he damned sure remembered what awaited him that night when he crawled between the loveliest pair of thighs he had ever known.

Bare, slick flesh. Sheened with her juices. Luscious, tasty, a hint of almond oil on her flesh, nothing between him and tasting her.

“Belle thought we should start keeping the convenience store and gas pumps open longer now that we have more help,” Rory announced as he stepped out to Noah minutes later. “You working tonight’s shift?” Smug amusement filled his brother’s tone.

“Only if you’re dead.” He turned back to Rory slowly. “You look like you’re breathing to me. Should we see about giving you an excuse not to work it? But death is the only one that will work.”

Rory grimaced as he shoved his hands in his dark gray work pants and glared back at Noah. “I had a date.”

“So do I,” Noah informed him.

“My date is more important,” Rory growled. “I’ve been after this woman for months. Pretty little phys-ed major.” He sighed. “She’s built, Noah.”

“She’s doomed to disappointment tonight. Unless you want to go ahead and close on time.”

Rory glanced up at the house. “Do you think she’ll notice?”


Rory turned back to him, narrowed his eyes, and got that calculating look on his face that Noah knew well.

“I’ll close up early, and you keep her busy so she doesn’t figure it out,” he suggested. “And when Sabella finally figures out what a prick you are, I’ll take up for you.”

“You close up early, you face Sabella’s wrath. And if she ever figures out what a prick I am, then we’re all in a hell of a lot more trouble than you ever imagined,” Noah told him, his voice low, intent. “So you better pray that one doesn’t happen.”