“I want to go home,” she whispered, turning back to them, her gaze going to Noah. He stared at her, his eyes flaming, his expression agonized. She wanted to go to him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and she wanted the world to make sense just one more time.

“Do you really want to walk away from him, Sabella?” Kira asked, stepping to her, laying her hand on her shoulder as another sob shuddered through her body. She leaned close. “He may not be your husband. But do you really want to walk away from who he could be to you?”

“You’re the same one who told me to fuck him and get the sexual crisis out of the way,” she bit out, sniffing back the tears. “That didn’t help, Kira. Not at all.”

“Didn’t it, Belle?” She smiled, a sad, gentle smile. “Your husband is gone. But you didn’t die with him.”

“Kira, tell me the truth,” she whispered, so filled with pain and suspicion it was ravaging her.


Sabella lifted her head to see Noah walking into the living room, almost staggering. He wore the jeans he had worn earlier, snapped and zipped and obviously straining beneath an erection.

Kira sighed as Ian came to his wife and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Com

e on, troublemaker.”

Noah eased to the counter and stared at the weapons she had managed to locate.

“How did you find them?” he asked her, his voice more grating than normal.

Sabella clenched her teeth then smiled mockingly. “You hid them exactly where my husband would have hid them.”

There, she’d said it, it was out in the open and she could have sworn he barely held back a flinch.

He was silent for long moments before he finally nodded.

“I’m a contract agent for a private company,” he finally said, reaching out to pick up the Glock before edging around the counter.

He replaced the first two weapons.

“An adrenaline junkie.” She sneered. “Just what I needed in my life. Tell me, Noah, did you know my husband?”

She cocked her hip and crossed her arms over her breasts as she stared back at him, looking, searching, desperate to either confirm or disprove the suspicions rising inside her.

He paused, staring down at the counter, his hands braced on it before his eyes, just his eyes, lifted to her.

“I knew your husband. We weren’t exactly friends.”


His lips quirked mockingly. “No, we weren’t enemies. We just knew each other.”

“So is Noah your real name?”

He nodded slowly, still watching her. “It’s my real name.”

“And what made you decide to come to Texas to fuck Nathan Malone’s wife?”

He flinched. Sabella could feel the hurt radiating through her. Betrayal. It felt like betrayal. Like deception.

“That’s not what happened.” He shook his head, and she knew he was lying. She could feel it. Like instinct. Like a scent that teased at her senses. Just as she had always known when her husband was lying to her.

“You knew who I was, you knew who Rory was, and you targeted us, didn’t you?”

He licked his lower lip. The action wasn’t nervous, it wasn’t hesitant. It was sexual. The look in his eyes was sexual. Everything about him screamed hard-core sex.

“I did.” At least he didn’t lie to her.