“You’re going to tell him I gave Noah a blow job?” Sabella whispered. Horrified. “You wouldn’t?”

“I’ll be drunk,” Sienna moaned. “And we have a bet.”

“A bet?” Sabella was outraged. “What kind of bet?”

“He bet me you would throw him out.” Sienna glared at her. “I bet him you would pull his ears off.”

Sabella blinked uncertainly. “Why would I do that?”

Sienna rolled her eyes. “You know, sweetie. Grab his ears and pull when you come.” She wagged her brows. “ ’Cause it’s good.”

Sabella turned to Kira as she snorted, nearly choking on her wine.

“We know better than to let her get drunk,” Sabella reminded Kira. “She gets naughty. Remember?”

“Yeah, like that night Nathan had to come get you from the house.” Sienna laughed. “Do you remember, Sabella? I told him we were going to buy you an electric blanket and a vibrator?”

Sabella had to laugh. “I don’t know if he was fascinated or outraged.”

“He was definitely thinking about the vibrator,” Sienna said, laughing even more.

Sabella smiled. It was a good memory. He had carried her out of Sienna’s house and taken her home. And he had loved her.

“I miss him,” she said softly, finishing another glass of wine.

“But he’s gone.” Sienna said, her voice quiet.

“Yeah,” Sabella breathed out, watching as Sienna refilled her glass as well. “He’s gone.”

And now Noah was invading her life.

“What do I do now?” She looked at the two women.

“I’m all for you pulling his ears off,” Sienna said.

“Nathan left you, Sabella,” Kira told her gently. “Do you think he would berate you?”

Sabella was quiet for long moments before she whispered, “I promised him forever.”

“Forever with him. Is he here now?” Kira pointed out gently. “You don’t have to give Noah forever, Bella. Give him a night. Get over the sex and take your life back.”

“I’m not cheating,” Sabella said, her gaze meeting Kira’s. Something inside her loosened. Something fell into place, but she was just too damned tipsy to realize what it was. “Am I?”

“Oh dear, trust me.” Kira smiled back at her. “The last thing you’re doing is cheating. You can take that one to the bank.”

Glasses clinked, refilled, and the three women sat back and proceeded to get outrageously tipsy. Well, Sabella thought several hours later as Ian walked in and stared at them in shock, maybe they were a little bit drunk.


“Oh hell!” Rory groaned as he hung the phone up then covered his face wit

h his hands.

Noah turned from where he was watching the driveway through the windows of the office and glanced at his brother with a frown.


Rory had that look. One of trepidation. Warning. Male amusement.