“Duncan says he’s like Nathan,” she whispered. “And maybe in ways, he’s right. He’s taking over,” she sai

d harshly. “He’s walked into my life and he’s just taking over.”

Kira leaned forward a bit more. “And he’s darker and more dangerous than your husband was, despite Nathan having been a SEAL. Ian says this man is harsher, more commanding. And you’re not the proper little SEAL wife any longer, are you?”

“What do you mean by that?” Sabella frowned.

“He went off to war and refused to let you cry when he left. Refused to let you worry while he was gone. And because you didn’t want him to worry, you held it all in. When he was home, it was whatever Nathan wanted; you cherished him. But those days are gone now, aren’t they, Sabella? Because Nathan’s gone. He went away, and you found out all kinds of interesting things about yourself, didn’t you? You found your independence and, despite your grief, you grew up. And now, this man who would take over as Nathan once did doesn’t have a chance of pushing past that independence. Does he?”

“I found out being without Nathan was hell,” she raged. “I want him back. I don’t want that.” She jumped to her feet and flung her hand at the door, indicating the world outside. “I want my husband.”

And she didn’t. Nathan was gone and she knew it, but she had no other excuse for the emotions tearing through her, the rage building inside her. Noah Blake was twisting her world around. He wasn’t safe. He wasn’t easy to handle and he wanted more than she was comfortable giving any man now. He wanted all of her. And her own independence had held parts of herself back from her husband. The parts that tormented her. The parts that would have given him her entire soul. The sexuality she had never been comfortable with, the need to be wild, to be nasty, to eat him up and make him take her hard, fast, rough, and desperate.

“And your husband is gone. And you’ve very nearly had sex with another man. And you liked it.” Kira came slowly to her feet.

She had been waiting for this for weeks. She had placed herself in Sienna’s and Sabella’s paths years before, made friends with Sabella, knowing this chance would come. Nathan Malone had made a mistake in hiding from his wife, and as Kira had known all along, his wife was the one paying the highest cost.

“Damn, Kira,” Sienna muttered, poured more wine and drank it. “That’s harsh.”

Sabella turned back to her other friend, looking at her as though for reinforcement and watched as Sienna stared back at her with compassion, although she clearly agreed with Kira.

“This is none of your business.” Sabella groaned. “Why do people suddenly think they can butt their noses in my business?”

“Because we got tired of watching you try to die with Nathan,” Sienna retorted painfully. “Sit down, Sabella. Let’s just get drunk like we used to. We can rip into Noah and Rick, talk about how arrogant they are, and you can go home and live again,” she whispered tearfully. “I don’t care if Noah is a Martian alien hiding horns. I haven’t seen you like this in too long. Almost alive. And I could kiss his cheek for making your eyes sparkle like that.”

Sabella collapsed on the couch and stared back at the other two in bemusement. “You don’t understand. Nathan . . .” She grimaced. “He still holds a part of me. I dream of him. And he’s still so much a part of me.”

Kira resumed her seat and poured Sabella more wine. “Don’t let him go if you can’t, Sabella. But don’t feel guilty because you’re a woman. Because you need to be touched or you need to be held. Take what Noah Blake has to offer.” She leaned back in her seat as both Sienna and Sabella drained their glasses and refilled them.

“He’s taking it all over,” Sabella snapped. “The garage. Me. As though he thinks everything Nathan had should be his.”

“He could just be dominating.” Kira waved the truth of Sabella’s statement away. “Hell, ride him for a while, get him out of your system, then send him on his way. Things are never so complicated as they are in the middle of a sexual crisis. Get the sex out of the way, and the problems tend to solve themselves.”

Sabella stared back at Kira.

Sienna didn’t speak. She sipped her wine and watched Sabella instead.

“Are we going to get drunk? If I have to have this conversation, then I at least want an excuse for being blunt, if you don’t mind? Otherwise, Rick is going to be pissed I stuck my nose in this. And you know, I tend to do without sex myself when he’s pissed.”

Sabella emptied her glass and held it out for more. Kira watched them both in amusement.

They drank that glass and started on another when Sabella suddenly sighed heavily.

“I gave him a blow job.”

Kira jumped as Sienna’s wine spurted across the table. The sheriff’s wife choked, covered her mouth, and turned to Sabella.

“You did what?”

Sabella finished her wine, amused that her friend was so shocked. “I told you what I did.”

“Was it good?” Kira drawled.

Oh, Kira could not wait until Ian came home. This was going to be so much fun. Better yet, she couldn’t wait until she saw Noah again.

“It was so good.” Sabella was tipsy. She hadn’t been tipsy in years. “So good. More excellent than I imagined it could be.”

“And did he at least return the favor?” Sienna sighed. “I’m going to get in so much trouble here. You two know this. Right? Rick will just worry.”