“He would have made any woman look beautiful in a picture with him,” she stated ruefully. “Cameras loved him.”

“And he loved you.” It wasn’t a question.


e did love me.” She knew he did. “I wonder sometimes if he would love me now.”

He tilted his head, looked at the pictures for a long moment, his expression almost softening as he nodded slowly. “He would have.” He met her gaze once more. “The man in that picture knew how to love. And he knew how to live. You can see it in his face.”

But he didn’t any longer. He didn’t love, and he didn’t live for that love. She could accept that. She had no choice but to accept that.

She moved to him, letting all the hunger, all the need, that had tormented her for two days rise inside her. He had stripped her bare at the park, jerked all the illusions from her eyes, and showed her what she was dealing with. No more dreams, no more pretty, flowery memories.

His eyes narrowed on her as she let his jacket slide from her arms to the floor, her gaze gliding over his jeans.

“One more night?” she asked then.

“As many nights as you’re willing to give me,” he stated.

“Until you have to leave?”

His tongue touched his lower lip and she felt everything inside her tighten.

“Until I have to leave,” he agreed.

She let a small laugh slip free. Bitter. Taunting.

“Who says I’m even going to care when you leave?” She edged up to him, looked up at him from the corner of her eyes. “You know what, Noah?”

“What, Sabella?” The careful tone of his voice warned her, and she didn’t give a damn.

She was doing something that was going to get her spanked, and she wanted spanked.

She took her finger and ran it across his chest. “Perhaps your leaving is for the best.”

“You don’t say?” Beneath the rough, gravelly tone of his voice was a hint of that sexy, lyrical brogue she had always loved.

She smiled, licked her upper lip, and cast him a look from beneath her lashes.

“Just think. You helped me pull my head out of my ass where my husband was concerned. Getting over your leaving should be a breeze. It’s not like you’re going to be here long. Right?”

Did his eyes just darken? Grow wilder?

“You don’t want to push this, baby,” he warned her softly.

She smiled. A slow, easy smile before catching her bottom lip between her teeth and taunting him with her look.

“What, you don’t want to hear the truth?”

His hands gripped her hips as something wilder, something hungrier, suddenly lit those supercharged eyes.

“That’s not the truth,” he growled.

She reached up, caressed his lower lip with her tongue, then nipped it. Hard.

He jerked back, his eyes narrowing as his tongue swiped over the little wound a second before he jerked her closer, his erection burying against her stomach.

“But you’ll be gone, Noah,” she taunted him. “Like the wind,” she stated mockingly. “Goodbye, so long. Just like my husband.” She looked back at the pictures.