What Rory had never known was that Grandpop had usually already guessed. But having the kid trust him, love him enough, always made the old man proud as hell. Unfortunately, this time, telling Grandpop wasn’t an option.

Jordan leaned back in his chair, stared at his nephew, and he almost smiled. Almost. Because Noah chose that moment to stare back at him, as though he knew something was up, and Jordan knew exactly what that something was.

Damn, he loved that boy. A part of him had died when he’d thought his nephew had, and he swore his soul had lightened when he found out Nathan was alive.

And he’d worried. Worried like hell, especially when Nathan refused to let them call Belle.

But this might be working out better. He rose from his seat and strode into the briefing room. Yeah, things just might be coming together for his nephew. And when they did . . . He nodded to himself. When they did, then all the conniving and manipulation he’d used against his nephew would have been worth it. Every second of it.

If Noah didn’t kill him first.

“Okay, boys, here’s your files.” He tossed the files to the table. “We have DNA verification. Order will go out to the sheriff and the state police first thing in the morning to haul Delbert Ransome’s ass in. Let’s be prepared.”


Micah had photos. Late-night recon had observed several midnight hunting parties in the past week that had thankfully not resulted in prey being located. But they had the pictures, taken at long range, one of which showed Delbert Ransome’s pickup.

“We have Kira and Tehya running matches on the other vehicles but we haven’t identified them yet.” Jordan was still outlining the files an hour later.

Noah’s head lifted from the pictures to stare at his uncle.

“Everyone, Tehya will be working communications and logistics for us.” He nodded to the door and the small redhead who stood leaning against the frame, arms crossed over a snug T-shirt, her jeans-clad legs crossed at the ankles.

“What happened?” Noah asked then. “The orphan turned heiress has decided to stay”

Teyha’s lips lifted with an edge of amusement. “I never claimed the Fitzhugh estate. My name was wiped from the reports of the mission that Joseph Fitzhugh was killed in. His estate went to cover debts and to secure the future of the young woman he was still holding on his estate.”

Who would want the world to know she was the daughter of a terrorist and white slaver so vile that a cartel drug lord had been promised protection to secure the terrorist’s identity and capture.

Her long red hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, her green eyes stared cynically into the meeting room.

“We also have reports of a newborn showing up with the housekeeper of Gaylen Patrick.” Jordan turned back to the file. “One of the kidnapped legal aliens had a child. An infant, mere months old. The baby’s body was never found. The DNA found beneath Ransome’s truck matched that of the father, but not the mother.”

“The feds can get him on both deaths though, correct?” Micah spoke up, his eyes gleaming like black ice in his hard features.

“That’s what they’re working on.” Jordan nodded. “Federal, state, and county law enforcement will converge on the Patrick ranch in the morning. Sheriff Grayson, not Alpine’s small police force, will be aware of the arrest warrant before the FBI arrives with it. There will be agents ready to catch Ransome if he tries to run, or ditch the truck. They’re going for complete secrecy, and there’s a good chance they can contain any calls outgoing to the Patrick ranch with the plan they have in place.”

“What basis are they using for suspicion?” Noah asked.

“Anonymous tip.” Jordan smiled mockingly. “Seems someone thinks they saw Ransome’s truck possibly chasing someone through the valley that night. A lone hiker.”

Noah nodded. It was imperative that they keep suspicion off the garage.

“We’ve had John on the daughter of Coalton James, the owner of the bank Mike Conrad is manager of. Katy James works in accounts there. It seems some of Conrad’s accounts appear a little off to her.” He nodded to the Australian then.

John Vincent flicked Jordan a rather sarcastic look before he spoke.

“Katy seems to think there are a few too many inconsistencies in some of the larger accounts. Namely the fact that several of the corporate accounts he manages have signs of being used to launder large amounts of money.”

“And she told you this why?” Noah asked him. “I know Katy, she doesn’t run her mouth about bank accounts.”

John’s lips twisted mockingly. “No, she doesn’t. But she does keep a rather detailed journal. She’s looking at getting her very delectable little rear in quite a bit of trouble if she isn’t careful.”

Noah shook his head. Didn’t it just figure. He wondered if Sabella kept a journal. Hell. He realized he had no idea if she did or not.

“The evidence found in Conrad’s library along with the suspected laundering and Ransome’s involvement puts Gaylen Patrick right in the thick of it,” John continued. “One of those very lucrative accounts that Katy has found suspicious ties into Patrick. His ranch borders the park, and it would be easy for him to offset any suspicion.”

“Patrick employs legal aliens,” Noah pointed out. “What about the program we got into Conrad’s laptop? Have we found anything through it?”