Sabella shot him a sharp look. “Do I look like I need a babysitter?” She waved her hand down her body as she cocked her hip with feminine arrogance. Rory and Toby both nearly swallowed their tongues at the look. Rory swore Noah was going to detonate like a nuclear bomb when he caught sight of this. And oh boy, Rory did intend to make damned certain his brother knew his wife was out on the town looking like a sex goddess visiting for a little down-and-dirty pleasure.

Not that Belle looked sluttish. She looked damned good. Too damned good. Too damned hot dressed like the female she was, and too innocent to know what the hell she was letting all those Friday-night cowboys get a glimpse of.

One pissed-off, hurting woman.

“No, ma’am.” Toby was the first to speak. “I just want to see the fireworks later.”

Rory shot Toby a silencing look. One the boy ignored.

“What fireworks?”

“The ones that are going to hit Alpine when Mr. Blake finds you,” Toby said, laughing. “Talk about a Friday night free-for-all.”

“Yeah. Mr. No-commitment-has-things-to-sort-out-Blake. Don’t worry. I have a feeling he couldn’t give a damn one way or the other.”

And she believed it.

Rory saw it in her face, in her eyes. She believed to the bottom of her heart that Noah didn’t give a damn. Hell. Someone was going to end up hurt tonight, and he just prayed it wasn’t Sabella. Or Noah. Or God forbid, him.

With his luck, Noah would rip his head off just for letting her go.

But he let her go. Watched the cab pull out and breathed out roughly.

“How old are you, Toby?”

“Nineteen. But I got friends,” Toby told him. “I can get in any bar in town.”

Rory ran his gaze critically over Toby. Yeah, he could pass for twenty-one.

“We are such dead meat. Noah will kill us both!” he snarled.


“Man, you can’t let her go by herself if there’s shit goin’ on. And I’m not stupid. I’ve watched you and Noah enough to know there’s definitely shit going on,” Toby snapped. “We have to follow her. Call Noah, man. This is bad. It’s Friday night, Rory. You know how many men are going to be hitting on her? It’s like setting a baby lamb loose in a pen of wolves.”

Rory glanced at his watch and bit back a curse. Noah wouldn’t even have cell coverage for another two hours. He’d warned Rory of that. Only Uncle Jordan had access. Shit. This was bad.

“Lock up.”

They turned and rushed inside. Pumps were shut down, lights turned out, and they ignored the car that pulled in, its horn blowing imperiously in front of the pumps.

“Start calling your friends. Find out which bar she’s at,” Rory ordered half an hour later as they jumped into his car. “I’ll get hold of a contact and see if they can catch Mr. Noah asshole Blake. How stupid can a man get?”

“As stupid as Blake?” Toby asked.

“That was rhetorical, kid,” Rory groaned. “It was supposed to be rhetorical.”

Jordan listened to Rory’s frantic voice mail, lifted his brows, and stared through the window into the briefing room where the agents of the Elite Ops had gathered.

“Man. Get hold of Noah. Fast. Don’t know what he did to piss off Belle. She’s got girls’ night out and looks like something that just stepped outta every man’s fantasy. She’s headed to the Borderline. Kira Richards and Sienna Grayson are meeting her. Get me some backup before that psychotic bastard you have with you goes nuclear and blames me for this. He grabs my neck one more time, and I swear to God. To God, Jordan, and I’m telling Grandpop. Your name will be in it. You don’t want that. And I’ll tell on you.” The message cut off.

Jordan clicked the button to continue to the next frantic message and almost smiled. Rory was losing his mind, and Noah would be next.

“I’m telling you. I have to tell Grandpop, and we’re all gonna pay. All of us. Tell him that one for me. He does it again and we’re all screwed ’cause I’m squealin’ like a pig to the old man and savin’ my own ass first. You tell him that.”

The message cut off.

Rory was threatening to tell Grandpop on all of them. Hell, he almost felt young again. Rory was always telling Grandpop on them when he thought they were getting his ass in trouble.