She could feel the hard throb of his cock, followed by a sense of heat and incredible pleasure.

She couldn’t halt the cries falling from her lips, couldn’t stop the whirlwind of sensations obliterating everything but the pleasure. With a sense of disbelief, she realized she’d completely lost control; then even that thought was torn aside as he began moving inside her.

Each thrust was followed by the sweet, burning trail of heat, the clenching of her vagina and a rush of liquid pleasure falling from her. Her hips lifted as she fought for more, deeper, harder.

She could hear him whispering against her shoulder, his lips and tongue caressing, teeth scraping as the thrusts became faster, rhythmic, pushing her into a storm she could feeling racing out of control inside her own body.

Her nails dug into his shoulders as each stroke of his cock pushed her deeper, as the pleasure, so extreme, so brutal it bordered on pain, began tightening inside her. Pushing her, clenching in her sex, her clit, bands of pleasure and pain until she felt her orgasm imploding, destroying …

His teeth sank in her shoulder. Wicked, sharp and curved as she felt him thickening impossibly inside her, stretching her inner muscles further, pushing her orgasm higher even as a sense of horror tore through her.

He was locked inside her. Releasing, ejaculating inside her because he couldn’t pull free of her clamping muscles as the mating knot pulsed inside her.

She was crying out her pleasure even as she felt her tears falling. Reveling in the sensation of his teeth buried at her shoulder, his tongue laving the wound, his cock spilling his release.

Physically, nothing could ever be so good. It was the most intense, most incredible pleasure, and it was destroying her.

From the inside out, it was destroying her.

His teeth released her, his head lifted slowly. “Well, fuck, guess the rules don’t apply now …” And his lips were on hers, hard, hungry … addictive.

No, the rules didn’t apply, but the destruction sure as hell would.

• • •

This wasn’t happening.

A rarely felt, overwhelming panic began to invade Cassie’s senses once she’d regained them again, threatening to rip away the logic and careful thought she normally approached all problems with. It was rising by the second, tearing through her and beginning to exacerbate the fear that the knowledge of a mating had brought.

This had just slipped past anything even remotely resembling fear. She realized in that moment that she could have handled a mate after all. A Wolf Breed mate, a feline Breed, hell, a reptile Breed or a human mate.

She could have handled a mate.

She couldn’t handle this.

“Breathe, Cassie,” he whispered, those strong arms she’d once longed to feel around her enclosing her like iron. Like a prison. A cell from which there was no escape. “It’s okay, baby, just breathe.”


Just breathe.

She heard the words; she didn’t respond, didn’t react. She stared at the wall across from her, focused on it, tried to push back the fear and …


It clawed at her, mixed with the panic, with the overwhelming sense of helpless confusion. It burned inside her chest like a viciously hot poker, stabbing at her over and over again.

“You lied to me.” The words escaped despite the tightness of her throat and the feeling that she was strangling on her emotions. “You lied to me. You assured me we couldn’t be mates.”

Mates weren’t supposed to ever lie to each other. She had never lied to him. Sh

e had always been completely honest with him. Always.

She hadn’t even considered that he could be her mate. He was her partner in adventure since those few moments they’d spent in an island atrium, albeit mostly through messages. One didn’t lie to one’s partner.

Those strong arms slid away from her, but that feeling of imprisonment didn’t recede. It couldn’t recede. There was no escaping.

She hurt now in every molecule of her body. The pain resonating with blistering intensity.