Breed Defense Initiative: Measure created by Cassandra Sinclair, Kane Tyler, Malachai Morgan and Braden Arness for the defense of Breeds or humans accused of breaking Breed Law.

Breed Law: Mandates of laws signed by President Marion as well as all state-elected representatives and members of Congress that govern the treatment, punishment, acts of prejudice, hatred or other species-related crimes against Breeds, their communities, mates or children. Because of the number of elected and military officials as well as government-backed scientists who were involved in the creation and cruelties inflicted on the Breeds, the laws were created and approved to remain intact for eternity, unless otherwise abolished, amended or designated no longer needed by the Breeds themselves.

Breed Ruling Cabinet: Organization that governs and enforces the mandates of Breed Law within the Breed society. Comprised of an equal number of each Breed designation of the Breed species as well humans.

Breeds: Humans genetically enhanced and/or altered either before or during conception with any DNA designated as nonhuman.

Breed Tribunal: Group that oversees laws governing Breed society. Rules on crimes against Breeds or the Breed communities by Breeds, their mates or any human affiliate who signs the agreement of Breed mandates that rules the Breed communities. Comprised of the members of the Feline Breed Tribunal, Wolf Breed Tribunal and Coyote Breed Tribunal, as well as the elected Breed commander and the director of the Federal Bureau of Breed Affairs.

Bureau of Breed Affairs Oversight Committee: Panel of several elected senators, Breeds and foreign ambassadors tasked with overseeing the running of the Bureau, the actions of its director and the official missions Breeds participate in for allied countries.

Condition Alpha: Protection and highest level of security to ensure the lives of the members of the Breed ruling families. Their location and protection during danger are kept under the highest level of security.

Council Breeds: Breeds whose loyalties remain to the scientists and those backing them.

Council Soldiers: Both Breed and human soldiers who follow orders given in the apprehension or death of those in the Breed society.

Coya: Mate to the Coy Leader.

Coy Leader: Head of all Coyote Breeds and/or packs. Base location is Cidadel, overlooking Haven, Advent, Colorado.

Desert Dragoon: Powerhouse vehicle built mostly for desert use. Rumbles dangerously at low speeds.

Dragoon Elite: Vehicle. sits low to the ground built for speed and agility on congested highways and city streets equipped with minimal onboard weapons two seats with a trunk and backseat area empty to allow for storage bullet-resistant windows with a protective film covering that confuses telescopes or other devices used to observe occupants explosive- and IED-resistant undercarriage and frame fully armored

Federal Bureau of Breed Affairs: Oversees the Breed communities, any protests or accusations against them, and all government payments to the Breeds as a whole. Director of the Bureau chairs any committees concerning the Breeds as a whole.

Feline, Wolf and Coyote Breed Tribunals: Judicial bodies comprised of three pride or pack alphas and six generally elected members of the community to oversee any general crimes against the community or the members of the community. Overseen by the Pride or Pack leaders.

Female Alpha: Naturally born female Breed with the same inherent sense of command and inner strength that male alphas are born with. Such a female can become a Primal. Any female Primal is an alpha female, but an alpha female is not necessarily a Primal.

Genetic Flaming: Sudden flaming or awakening of once-hidden Breed genetics after a long period or even a lifetime of recessive Breed genetics. Usually occurs between ages twenty and twenty-three after the genetics have lain dormant or recessed. Symptoms include body temperature over 107 degrees, convulsions, hallucinations, flaring animal instincts such as enraged growls or snarls and attempts to bite or scratch.

Genetics Council: Group of twelve who oversee the funding, research and creation of the Breeds.

Ghost Team: Team of Breeds tasked with protecting the ruling families when an inordinate amount of danger threatens. Separately the Breeds in Ghost Team are highly effective. Together they are the most deadly team of Breeds known.

Hybrid Breed: Breed born naturally of a Breed-human mating.

Law of Self-Warrant: Law that decrees that any Breed may, one time only, accept the punishment and/or death for any criminal act that the Breed believes would cause his or her mate, child, parent or other associated relative undue harm.

Mating Heat: Chemical, biological, pheromonal reaction between a Breed and his or her mate that causes extreme arousal, the inability to allow touch from the opposite sex except the mate, and in extreme cases, extreme discomfort during the height of the Heat, from any touch beyond the mate’s. It is believed that this occurs only once for a Breed.

Nephilim: Most popular definition is the offspring of human females and male fallen angels. The title has been given to a group of hidden Breeds who so closely resemble their animal cousins that they appear as two-legged animals. Often used by human parents to frighten their children into good behavior.

Patrol Water Cruiser: Watercraft used in large lakes or near shore in ocean/sea patrol.

Petition to Disavow: Physical divorce of sorts that ensures a mate isn’t affected by any crime his or her mate makes after the mating. No contact is allowed after a disavowal.

Petition for Reconsideration: Petition requested by a prospective Breed mate to have a first mating reconsidered, should a mate show two prospective Breed mates. Forces the mate in question to spend a predetermined amount of time (nonsexual) with the filer of the petition to disprove the viability of the first mate.

Petition for Separation: Petition requested by a Breed to separate from his or her prospective mate for a predetermined amount of time, though no longer than eighteen months.

Prima: Mate to the Prime Leader.

Primal: Preternatural creature whose awakened senses and/or strength can sometimes defy even fatal wounds. Most Breeds know only their human and animal personalities. In the Primal, a third designation becomes known. The Primal’s sole reason for existence is to protect the Breed, to ensure the safety of its mate and/or children. There are currently only four known Primals.

Prime Leader: Head of all feline Breeds and/or prides. Base location is Pride Sanctuary, Buffalo Gap, Virginia.