demanded she do just that. That instinct no longer existed.

She stepped into the elevator, checked the watch she wore on her wrist for the time and calculated the time to enter the next dark website she’d found earlier. She should have plenty of time. She doubted what she suspected was coming would take long.

It would kill the last of her soul, but it wouldn’t take long.

“Cass, ya need to talk, I’m here,” Styx said gently as the elevator stopped and they stepped out. “Ya know I’ll always be here for ya.”

“I know.” She strode ahead of him for Rule’s office, her head high, steeling herself for what was coming. “There’s nothing to discuss, though.”

Stepping into Rule’s office, aware of her parents behind her, she faced Rule, Jonas, Brannigan and the three leaders of the Breed community, Callan, Wolfe and Del Rey.

“I’m sorry, Cassie,” Rule sighed as she stopped in front of his desk, a grimace contorting his face as he shook his head heavily. “I’m so fucking sorry, sweetheart.”

She’d known him since she was a little girl. She’d teased him over his name, played practical jokes on him as a teenager, stood in awe of him as she matured. Now all she could do was stand before him and wait.

“Get it over with,” she demanded. “Just get it the hell over with.”

She pressed her lips tightly together as he lifted two paper forms from his desk and handed them to her.

She accepted them slowly, stared down at each and felt herself shattering. The agony racing through her wasn’t as sharp as it had been the day before, but she felt it shredding her soul.

No. No. She could hear the whisper of the spirit lingering behind her, a mother’s disbelief and pain. And all Cassie could do was stare at the end of her world as she knew it.

Petition for Separation and Notice of Disavowal. Disillusionment, the reason stated. Permanent separation and disavowal. No contact. Talk about reaping what you sow.

“How ironic,” she said softly, forcing herself not to tremble, but she couldn’t stop the tear that fell from one eye before she could blink it back. “I’m the reason this petition even exists.” She lifted her eyes to Coy Delgado and felt her breathing hitch at the compassion in his black eyes. “I’m so sorry, Del Rey.” Her voice was strangled, the pain carving furrows into the already jagged pieces of her soul. “I didn’t know …”

She didn’t know how bad it hurt. How bad the agony could resonate inside the very spirit.

“No, Cassie.” He shook his head, the rough sound of his voice filled with denial. “None of this is your fault, especially that.” He nodded to the petitions. “I brought it on myself in my treatment of my mate, but you did nothing to deserve it.”

But he’d been given a chance to win his mate back: His mate had agreed to one year’s separation. Her mate had filed for permanent separation. She had been disavowed. There was no hope of seeing him again.

Like hell!

She dropped the paper onto Rule’s desk. There wasn’t even an objection she could file. She was denied any information they might have on his whereabouts. They couldn’t even let her know if he was alive.

“Where is he?” she asked anyway.

She stared at Rule, wanting to beg and unable to. Instead, the creature Dog’s desertion has spawned rose inside her like some demon filled with demented rage.

“We don’t know.” Rule shook his head, but he was lying.

She could feel that lie. He was staring into her eyes and he was lying to her.

She held his blue gaze, staring into it, searching for the answer, demanding he give it to her. That was her mate, and he would tell her …

“Goddamn, Cassie.” His eyes rounded in shock as he came out of his chair, a snarl pulling at his lips as fury flashed across his expression as he prepared to launch himself across the desk. Her father pushed her behind him.

“What the hell?” Her father cursed, facing Rule now. “What the fuck, Rule?”

She didn’t wait for his reaction. They weren’t going to tell her anything. None of them would.

Turning on her heel, she stalked for the door.

“Cassie.” It was Jonas who stopped her.

There was no demand, no order, just a gentle sound that tore at her heart and had the creature clawing inside her pausing.