He finished the drink, and before she could do more than flinch, he slapped the glass to the bar, took two steps and managed to snag her waist with one strong arm and jerk her to him.

“Now, let’s see, what was the deal?” That was a definite growl, a spark of anger in his gaze. “No kissing.” His thumb brushed against her lips. “I can’t eat what is no doubt a sweet little pussy. And I can’t come inside you. Are those the rules?”

Why the hell was her heart racing out of control and why did she suddenly want his kiss as she had never wanted anything in her life? Wanted his kiss everywhere.

She was crazy. This was beyond desperate.

“Those are the rules.”

Something hot, hungry, flared in his expression. It tightened, his cheekbones becoming more pronounced as his lashes lowered over his eyes.

“Other than that, it’s whatever I want?” he asked, his tone curious, but there was nothing curious in his gaze or his expression. “Tonight, you’re mine.”

She licked her suddenly dry lips; nerves and fear of the unknown had to be the reasons why she was just a little bit light-headed and fighting for breath.

“Just for tonight,” she agreed. “I leave before dawn.”

Something akin to regret flashed in his face.

“Four hours,” he murmured. “Then we better get started. You have a lot to learn in those hours.”

A lot to learn …

She was not going to tremble or shake with nerves, she told herself. Show no weakness. Never let anyone see you weak. No one. Especially a Coyote.

When he caught her hand, she was proud to say it wasn’t damp and her fingers didn’t tremble. She kept her head high, her expression serene. She’d learned over the years how to do that. How to hold back the fear, uncertainty and nerves under trying conditions.

Not that she’d ever been in this particular situation before, and as he led her past the living suite and into the bedroom, she nearly lost her nerve.

The bed was turned down invitingly, pillows lying flat, waiting for a body to lie w

ithin it, and there were candles. Three lit candles.

The door closed behind them, almost silently; still, it was all she could do to control her flinch.

He dropped her hand immediately. “Go home, princess.” Disgust edged his voice as he flashed her a look of scorn. “Consider tonight’s work a freebie.”

Anger. She could feel it inside him. It wasn’t rolling off him in waves; it came out as mocking unconcern, but it was there all the same.

She’d made the deal. Her sisters were safe, and she’d come this far. If she backed out now, she’d never regain her courage. And he might never be there to help her again.

She reached behind her and released the small catch on her skirt, then slid the zipper down. The sound was a quiet hiss in the otherwise still room. Staring at him, she let the material drop, leaving her clad only in the camisole, vest and high-cut black lace panties.

With a shrug of her shoulders she released the vest.

“I’m a virgin,” she whispered, refusing to drop her gaze or show any shame. “If you’re looking for experience, or for me to know how to please you, then that isn’t going to happen.”

She pulled the camisole over her head slowly, slid it free of the long length of her hair and dropped it to the floor, then stepped from the four-inch heels she wore.

And he didn’t speak. Not a single word. He watched her, still and silent, but the scent of male lust suddenly filling the room was unmistakable.

Then, with the same unhurried movements, he sat down and pulled his boots free of his feet. Then, rising once again, he pulled the shirt from his pants and began unbuttoning it.

She didn’t know his name, and for a moment, she wished she did.

Then he was shrugging the shirt free, revealing the depth of strength in his body, in the play of muscles beneath dark bronze flesh. Strong biceps, wide shoulders and chest, tight, hard abs.

Slowly, he released the wide leather belt that cinched his hips and worked free the button and zipper of the dun-colored pants he wore.