Where this Breed couldn’t find her.

Stepping to the small table beside the couch, he flipped on a low light, though neither of them really needed it. She would have preferred he left the light off.

If he had, then she couldn’t have seen his features in such stark display, and breathtaking savagery.

He shouldn’t be so handsome, was her first thought. Her second? He was dangerous. One of the most dangerous Breeds she’d ever glimpsed.

She could see it in the hard, savage lines of his face, the piercing gray eyes, the tall, corded strength of his body.

He was one of the most powerful Breeds she’d ever sensed in her life. Not just physically, but in that inner core of strength. And this man’s core of strength had no end.

It went deeper than her father’s, deeper than Jonas’s, and that was saying something. It possibly went even deeper than her own, and that was terrifying.

Shaggy dark blond hair fell around a broad forehead, darker lashes surrounded steel gray eyes, and a strong, powerful chin assured her that he wouldn’t be just determined, but arrogant as hell with it.

His lips quirked into a mocking grin. Just a hint of a smile, one that assured her that she wasn’t the only one with finely adapted senses. Her Breed instincts bristled, heated, parts of her demanding she challenge him while other parts wanted only to submit.

“Curious, aren’t you?” The slight growl to his voice had an unbidden chill racing down her spine. “The Breed princess wants to see what it’s like to get down and dirty for a change?”

Her eyes narrowed. Breed princess?

“Haven’t heard that little nickname yet?” He chuckled.

Oh, she’d heard it often, actually.

Moving to the bar across the room, he poured two glasses half full of liquor. Picking the glasses up, he walked unhurriedly to where she stood and extended one to her.

“The perfect little Breed,” he said as she accepted the drink. “Able to argue Breed Law with a charm that can convince the Council to separate mates and human lawyers to allow a human child to be taken from its father. The Breed with a siren’s voice.”

“That’s ridiculous,” she snapped. “Not everyone knows the laws that rule our people, or understands them …”

“As I said, very intelligent.” He toasted her with his drink before tossing it back. “With a siren’s voice.”

Sipping the liquor, she watched him carefully.

Siren’s voice her ass.

She knew Breed Law and she knew how to argue it. It was that simple.

“What does Breed Law have to do with this … ?”

“Do you know when the media mentions you, they simply call you a Wolf Breed? All those little mutant Coyote genetics you possess seem to be forgotten.”

Her heart was racing; how unusual. Her breathing was elevated, and she swore she felt flushed. She didn’t want to talk about her genetics or anything else. She wanted this done. Finished.

“We’re not here to discuss me or the media …”

“You made a deal with a Coyote, little halfling,” he drawled, his expression somber despite the mockery in his gaze. “You’ve been aware of that. Right?”

If she hadn’t been before, she sure as hell became aware of it the moment she stepped through the door.

“I’m aware.” She was a Breed after all; she could smell the Coyote on him … though it was faint. “I’ve known all along what you were.”

The scent was subtle though, as though something covered it.

“Are you wearing a scent blocker?” Tilting her head to the side, she watched him carefully, drawing the scent in deeper.

“It may be wearing off.” He moved back to the bar, poured another drink and tossed it back. “And you’re right; we came here to finish a bargain.”