“I haven’t been lost since a halfling met my crosshairs and threw out her little dare.” His head lowered, his lips brushing against hers in the lightest caress. “Now, let’s go whip Brannigan’s ass.”

Stepping back from her, he held his hand out to her, and it was natural, it was just right, when his fingers clasped hers and he led her to the door.

No matter what came of the Cabinet hearing, no matter the decisions of others, she wouldn’t stop fighting for what she was finding with him. Now, if she could just do something about that prickle against her skin, that inner knowledge that the danger wasn’t necessarily the Cabinet meeting, or Brannigan.

Whoever the unidentified Major was was the true threat. And that threat was growing closer.



The Breed Cabinet was made up twelve Breed members, including Prime and Prima Lyons, Lupine and Lupina Gunnar, and Coy and Coya Delgado, as well as Jonas Wyatt and Dash Sinclair, the newest Wolf pack alpha, Lobo Reever, a Bengal Breed representing the Navajo Nation, Graeme Parker, and Rule Breaker, the director of the Western Bureau of Breed Affairs.

Unlike the twenty-four-member Breed Ruling Cabinet, there was no one in the Breed Tribunal not affiliated with the Breed community, either a Breed or a Breed mate. There was no senatorial presence, though there were several senators in residence at the offices to oversee federal mandates as the new Bureau office established itself.

The drive from her apartment to the Bureau was a short one, though the accompanying feline force Dane had loaned them had required extra time. As she stepped from the secured Dragoon into the underground parking garage, twelve cold-eyed, heavily armed Lion Breeds had surrounded them, along with Dane, and escorted them into the lower level of the offices.

During the brief drive, a message from Dr. Sobolova had been returned stating the mating capability tests with Rhyzan had come back negative, but the assistant director was still refusing to drop his petition. He demanded that the inquiry proceed.

Cassie made a mental note to make certain she scheduled time with the Breed Ruling Cabinet in the coming months to ensure this particular statute was changed. She felt as though she were being held hostage in a way, her future with her mate no longer under her and Dog’s control.

Ahead, the wide double doors to the meeting room swung open and the Lion Breeds escorting them parted at the entrance to allow Dog, Cassie, then Dane to step inside.

The Cabinet members were waiting on the raised benches at the head of the room. Below, on each side of the room, two podiums waited next to accompanying tables.

Behind that and stretching five rows deep to the double doors were bench seats, though those behind Rhyzan were deserted. To the right, Drs. Armani and Sobolova were in the front row; behind them was Cassie’s mother, and along with her were the Leo, Leo Vanderale, and his wife, Elizabeth, as well as the Coyote females Ashley and Emma Truing.

Cassie moved to the right of the room and stepped to the podium, Dog next to her behind a chair at the table, Dane to his left.

Rhyzan rose from the table where he waited and moved to his podium as well. His face was bruised, one eye black, his cheek swollen and his nose just slightly off-center as Dane had said.

The deputy director was an impressive figure despite his injuries; she’d always admitted that. Six and a half feet tall, long straight black hair and Celtic green eyes. The eyes were rather an unusual color for a Coyote, though. Like all Breeds, he was strong, genetically designed for rugged good looks and a powerful physique. Though she was beginning to think his genetics, unlike others’, also leaned toward insanity.

With everyone present, Jonas rose from his seat, placed at the center of the bench, and stared back at them.

“Are all parties present?” he asked.

“Present for the petition,” Rhyzan answered him.

“Present for the objection.” Cassie spoke clearly, a relaxed calm descending over her even as her senses became sharper, stronger.

Her head turned slowly toward Rhyzan as she inhaled slowly, her eyes narrowing on the Coyote as he stared back coolly.

His lips tilted into an icy, mocking smile as he turned back to Jonas. “Before we proceed, Director, I’d like to formally rescind my Petition for Reconsideration in light of the new mating tests that have come through. Though, as all parties are present, I request that the Coyote known as Dog be taken in for questioning regarding the disappearance of a Breed child present during the landing of the Council transport that held Ms. Sinclair’s sister, Kenzi. According to her, there was a child between three to and five years of age when she was placed in the transport but that child had disappeared by time she regained consciousness.”

Cassie froze.


He couldn’t do this.

“Dog?” Jonas asked as every member of the Cabinet stared back at him.

“There was no child present,” Dog answered, and Cassie could feel his confusion

Her jaw clenched at Rhyzan’s demand as she glared up at Jonas, their gazes meeting for a long moment.

“According to Kenzi, the child was there. She’s been questioned by three other interrogators and deemed to be telling the truth. In that at least.” The amusement in Rhyzan’s tone was unmistakable. “All parties present that night who are still living have been interrogated except Ms. Sinclair’s mate.”