He had far more support for it than even he had imagined until the Bengal who worked with Lobo had informed him of the backing he’d have. It would take that backing too, if he was going to pull off his plans.

Hell, come to think of it, all he needed was Cassie fighting for him. The halfling with the siren’s voice and an ability to argue Breed Law as though she had written it herself.

“Your teams will be a benefit to the community,” Dane agreed. “Once you’ve finalized your plans, contact me and I’ll make certain you have whatever you need for security.”

Dog’s gaze sharpened on his friend. “Callan’s and Wolfe’s Breeds are making a mark with their military and rescue teams. Del Rey’s Coyotes are aligned with the Wolf Breeds in Colorado and their own security forces and are in high demand. I’ve discussed this with the alphas. I think we’re going to look more in the private sector rather than military or strike.”

“Whatever you need to set up, Vanderale will be there for you.” Dane nodded. “As it appears we’re going to party tonight, I’ll notify my men of the change in plans and prepare to move out. Shall we use the heli-jet to transport your mate back to town? I believe we can land behind her apartment building. It would make a statement.”

A statement Rhyzan wouldn’t miss.

“Let’s slip in,” Dog suggested instead. “Keep it quiet, everything under wraps until we arrive at the ball. Let’s not give Rhyzan a chance to consider any options he may have.”

Not until he knew his own backers were in place. Which meant he needed to make a few calls of his own and pull in a favor or two. And the support he had in mind would definitely make a statement.

And then he’d have to face a past he’d tried to ignore for far too many years but had never forgotten.

His father had always warned him that Major was in a position to know who Dog was, know he was a hybrid if Dog was ever in the public eye. As long as he stayed under the radar, then he’d been safe.

Not that safety had been his concern for a lot of years. Now, it was of the highest importance. Because of his mate. Nothing could endanger his mate.

• CHAPTER 12 •

DC Insider News



If the heading hadn’t caught his attention as he sat down with his morning coffee, the picture of the rough-hewn, powerful male would have.

Pictures were attained of the Breed princess, Cassandra Sinclair, in the arms of who insiders are claiming to be her lover.

Known only as Dog, and according to several unidentified sources to be a known Genetics Council associate, the powerful Coyote Breed is listed as “rogue” within the national Breed database, meaning he’s declared no affiliation with the legitimate Breed community and is suspected of crimes against Breed Law.

Ms. Sinclair, known as the Breed’s foremost legal expert where Breed Law is concerned, and a consultant for the Federal Bureau of Breed Affairs, couldn’t be reached for comment, but other sources within the Breed community claim the affair to be no more than a fling or possibly a hoax. They say a news release is expected soon announcing the engagement of Ms. Sinclair to none other than the assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Breed Affairs, Rhyzan Brannigan.

Ms. Sinclair, a known companion of Deputy Director Brannigan, is rumored to have already committed to the engagement. So why then was the Genetics Council Dog seen carrying Ms. Sinclair through the entrance of the Western Bureau of Breed Affairs in Window Rock?

The spokesperson for the Bureau of Breed Affairs, Tanner Reynolds, is promising a press release soon, and the arrival of Breed leaders Lupine Gunnar, Coy Delgado and Prime Lyons, along with their wives, has already been noted. Alphas of the largest packs and prides, as well as Ms. Sinclair’s parents, Dash and Elizabeth Sinclair, are also known to be in attendance …

Senator Aaron C. Ryder’s attention shifted from the article. He didn’t give a goddamn about the Breed goings-on in general. It was like watching an animal shelter fucking free-for-all. And the damned masses were still so stupid over the animals that no matter their actions, the Breeds waltzed through the public like they owned it.

No, it wasn’t the gossip or the lovefest googly-eyed article that had him shuddering. It was the picture.

The young Breed female was sheltered in the Coyote Breed’s arms, her head resting on his shoulder. It was that Coyote’s face that held him, had him tracking every plane and angle of the imposing features.

Sharp, gunmetal gray eyes were piercing behind thick, sand-colored lashes. A high forehead, an aristocratic nose, and an imposing chin. Generations had gone into perfecting those features and building the tall, powerful body. The Breed DNA that now marred them only sharpened them, made the body more powerful, stronger.

But still, an abomination.

Yet he couldn’t take his eyes off the Breed’s face. He’d suspected he existed—hell no, a part of him had known he’d existed. When his father’s body had been returned, there hadn’t been so much as a whisper of a child, but there was no doubt a child had been born of the mother.

Her body had been found nearly a year after the escape. The scientists who oversaw the autopsy were certain she’d died just after whelping the bastard.

His fist clenched in fury as he scrolled down, finding several other pictures of the Breed. Most were fuzzy, the features not really clear. The Coyote was called reclusive, secretive, never allowing pictures to be taken. He shouldn’t have allowed that picture to be taken.

Because what he was could be revealed, and surely he didn’t want that. No, no one wanted that, and it had to be stopped before it happened. It had to be stopped before the world learned that Ms. Sinclair could possibly whelp his child. A child no test on earth would reveal as a Breed. A child who could infect the world if it bred.