He shouldn’t have those cigars, just as he shouldn’t have known about Jonas’s escape route.

“Will Jonas be there, or Dane?” she asked, narrowing her gaze on him as he exhaled, the smoky scent wrapping around her senses.

“Jonas is going to be rather busy for a while,” he said, grunting. “I warned him Rhyzan was a sneaky bastard; he didn’t want to listen. Though what makes him think he can take my mate, I have yet to figure out.”

Yeah, that one was damned confusing.

“Rhyzan is playing some game.” She exhaled roughly, able to think more clearly now that they were away from the Bureau and the threat of Rhyzan’s interference behind them. “But I think he’s aware of the fact that I’m not his mate.”

That had bothered her, why she and the other Breed had tested compatible. It didn’t make sense and it shouldn’t have happened.

Rhyzan was incredibly hard to read, though. He kept his thoughts to himself and rarely shared his opinions. During the time she’d spent with him over the past months, she’d had the impression that she actually bored him.

“Well, I’ll just make certain it’s nothing personal when I kill his ass,” Dog assured her. “Because I will kill him, Cassie, if he continues on this course.”

She shook her head at the promise. “Receiving permission from the Breed Tribunal to separate mates is just the first step. Even in Coyote mates it’s been established that after that time the mating hormones begin mutating and then mates begin bonding on the genetic level. The idea that Mating Heat can be counteracted before that is just a supposition at this point. But even with that done, the final decision is with the Breed Ruling Cabinet, not a Tribunal.”

“So, it takes how long for that to happen?” He shot her a quick look.

“Three to seven days,” she sighed heavily. “It varies.”

“They’ve discovered the two of you are gone. Rhyzan’s ordered the heli-jet in the air,” Mutt broke in. “This bastard is going to piss me off, Dog, ya know?”

“What direction?” Dog growled as Cassie felt her heart begin racing.

“No word yet. I doubt we have much time. We need to hurry. We’re still several miles from the second Dragoon.” The tension in the Coyote’s voice deepened. “I told you we should have killed him when Jonas refused to back down on placing him in the Bureau.”

“We’re not far from Graeme and Cat’s.” The Bengal Breed was crazier than hell, but she knew he would help them if he

knew what was going on.

“I got this, mate.” Sheer confidence filled Dog’s voice. “Hang on, this will be a fast stop.” He glanced over his shoulder at the two Breeds behind him. “Get ready to bail.”

Literally. A minute later Dog swung the Dragoon off the road alongside a deserted building. Before the vehicle rocked to a stop, the two Coyotes were jumping from the vehicle, doors slamming behind them.

Dog then hit the gas again, pulling back onto the road, and within seconds a second Dragoon was racing behind them.

“Where are we going?” She hardened her voice as she stared at him demandingly. “Don’t keep me in the dark. You won’t like how well I don’t deal with it.”

A low, playful chuckle whispered over her senses as he looked at her. The look was approving, challenging.

“I have a place about ten miles from here,” he answered as the other vehicle shot past them. “Mutt and Mongrel will make certain it’s still secure before we arrive. With any luck, we’ll be there safe and sound before Rhyzan turns his heli-jet this way.”

“And if we aren’t lucky?” Her fists clenched in her lap at the thought of having yet another choice taken away from her.

“Then things go from sugar to shit real fast,” he growled. “Because if that stupid bastard keeps fucking with me, Cassie, I’ll kill him. There’s a reason why Jonas and I didn’t reveal exactly what I’ve been doing over the years or who I am. And if just one of my people ends up dead because of Rhyzan’s ignorance, then I promise you, he won’t survive my rage.”

He was a double agent, a plant within the Council’s ranks. She’d known Jonas had several within the Breed ranks the Genetics Council still controlled, but this was hell of a coup for the director.

“Who are you, then?” At least her genetics hadn’t led her completely astray, she thought wearily. He wasn’t the scourge everyone thought he was, but he’d still lied to her for years, and he was still a Coyote.

“That’s a discussion for a later time.” He sighed before taking another draw on the cigar. “When we’re safe. When my people are safe. Until then, I’m just what everyone thinks I am. A Council war dog with a dumb-ass sense of humor and the Breed princess for a mate.” He shot her another mocking grin. “I haven’t changed, Cassie.”

“I never imagined you had. So why couldn’t you tell me all this after we mated? Why wait until now?” It would have been easier for her if she’d known at least part of what she was dealing with.

He was silent for long moments, his gaze thoughtful, before he glanced over at her.

“You didn’t hesitate when I told you Rhyzan had filed those papers. You didn’t ask how I knew or demand proof. You followed me. You trusted me. Why?”